What Is the Name Of The Lawyer
Atticus Finch
Who is the First Juror That Says Not Guilty
Juror 8
Where Does The Story Take Place
Maycomb Alabama
How Old Is The Defendant
What Is A Jury
A group of 12 citizens that determine whether a defendant is guilty or not guilty.
Who Tells the Story
Jean "Scout" Finch
Who Is The Last Juror To Say Not Guilty
Juror 3
What Is The Verdict Of The Tom Robison Case
What Personal Problems Caused The Last Juror To Be So Hesitant To Change His Vote.
His Strained Relationship With His Own Kid.
What Is a Lawyer
A licensed professional who advises and represents others in legal matters
Who is Tom Robinson Suspected Of Raping
Mayella Ewell
Which Juror Is Anxious To Go To A Ball Game
Juror 7
How Does Bob Ewell Actually Die
Boo Radley Kills him
What Is Said To Have Happened To The Defendant's Switchblade.
It Fell Out Of His Pocket On His Way To The Movie
What is a Defendant
An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.
What Is Boo Radley's Real Name
Which Juror Is The Oldest
Juror 9 at 70 years old
What Was Different About Tom Robinson's Arm In The Movie Compared To The Book
In The Book His Left Arm Is Shorter Than The Right. In The Movie His Arm Is The Same Length But Doesn't Work.
At the beginning of Act 2, which two jurors assumed that Juror Five had changed his vote?
Juror 7 and 3
What Happens During Court
the facts of a case are presented to a jury, and they decide if the defendant is guilty or not guilty of the charge offered.
Who Does Scout Talk To Outside Of The Courthouse To Protect her Father
Walter Cunningham
Which Juror Is a Bank Clerk
Juror 2
Who does "The Mockingbird" in the title "To Kill A Mockingbird" represent (Multiple people)
Scout and Jem, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson. Due to their innocence.
1. Stole a car
2. Mugged someone
3. Stabbed someone in the arm
What Is a Courthouse
A building in which a judicial court is held, or a building containing the administrative offices of a county