Childhood & Delinquency
The Nature and Extent of Delinquency
Individual Views of Delinquency
Sociological Views of Delinquency
Developmental Views of Delinquency
This is formed when youths develop a firm sense of who they are and what they stand for.
What is Ego Identity
Compiled by the ________, the UCR is the most widely used source of national crime and delinquency statistics.
What is the Federal Bureau of Investigation
A guiding principle of ____________________ is that the choice to commit delinquent acts can be controlled by the threat of punishment
What is general deterrence?
the process of passing on deviant traditions and delinquent values from one from one generation to the next
What is Cultural transmission?
The Gluecks’ research focused on _______________________ as a harbinger of a delinquent career.
What is early onset of delinquency?
Youths who have been arrested four or more times and perpetuate a striking majority of serious criminal acts are known as the
What is chronic juvenile offenders
Are questionnaires or survey techniques that ask subjects to reveal their own participation in delinquent or criminal acts.
What is self-reports
A geographic location that is known to be the scene of repeated delinquent activity is called a
What is a hot spot?
describes feelings of apathy, helplessness, and mistrust of institutions experienced by the urban poor
What is culture of poverty?
According to development theory, the best predictor of future criminality is
What is past criminality
A family style wherein the father is the final authority on all family matters is known as
What is paternalistic
A great deal of juvenile delinquency is unknown to the police; these unrecorded delinquent acts are referred to as
What is dark figures of crime
__________________ hold that children will model their behavior according to the reactions they receive from others.
What is Social learning theorists?
the process of passing on deviant traditions and delinquent values from one from one generation to the next.
What is Cultural transmission
A cornerstone of age-graded theory is the influence of _______________ on behavior.
What is social capital?
Under this movement, children were placed in the care of adults who trained them in specific skills.
What is apprenticeship movement?
______________are responsible for the majority of serious delinquent acts.
What is lower class youth
three studies that have tested the gene-delinquency association.
What is twin studies, adoption studies and parental deviance studies?
The process of transforming a lower-class area into a middle-class enclave through property rehabilitation is called:
What is Gentrification
____________________ contends that one's propensity for crime remains stable throughout the life course, but the opportunities for crime fluctuate over time.
What is Latent trait view
"______________" minors is the original early designation of youths who violate the law because of their minority status.
What is Wayward minors?
is the age at which youths begin their delinquent careers.
What is age of onset.
The theory that states people commit crimes when they model their behavior after others they see being rewarded for the same acts; behavior is reinforced by rewards and extinguished by punishment
What is behavioral theories
individuals without acceptable means for obtaining success experience:
What is anomie?
a developmental theory that modifies social control theory by integrating concepts from biosocial, psychological, routine activities, and rational choice theories.
What is general theory of crime?