What citation did the teenager receive and for what reason?
Reckless driving for speeding
What is the typically age at which a person is considered an adult in the legal system?
This organ is not fully developed in teens effecting impulse control.
The brain.
What is one negative effect of charging youth as adults?
It is ineffective in reducing crime
This 12-year-old boy was convicted of second-degree murder in 2001 for the killing of a 6-year-old girl in Florida. He was sentenced to life in prison but later had his sentence reduced.
Lionel Tate
Why do teens gravitate towards their peers?
They prefer the company of their friends
What is the age where some jurisdictions allow minors to be tried as adults?
The legal term for sentencing young offenders differently than adults.
Juvenile sentencing
Studies show that charging youth as adults disproportionately impacts which groups?
Youth of color
In this case, the primary suspect is a seven-year-old boy named Elias who killed a young girl. What was his alleged motive for the crime?
At around age does the love for thrill peak around?
What is the term for moving a juvenile case to adult court?
The Supreme Court case that banned mandatory life without parole for juveniles.
Miller v Alabama
What is one way charging youth as adults harms them?
It increases their risk of reoffending
After the traumatic events, Mandy completely changed her life and started a new start. What did she choose to do after the incident, distancing herself from her past?
Avoiding your friends and situation.
At what time does the brain's language centers acquire their insulation the most?
The first 13 years of age
At what age is the debate about charging children with adult crimes particularly controversial?
Jennifer Jenkins opposes this idea of lighters sentences for teen killers.
leniency for teen killers
What type of system is more effective at rehabilitating young offenders?
The juvenile justice system
Mandy was at a party where she was photographed while asleep with inappropriate markings on her body. What platform was Mandy using to communicate with a man before the party?
What neurotransmitters aid at making social connections and is associated with general rewards?
What is often cited as a reason against charging young children with adult crimes?
The victims rights group cofounded by Jennifer Jenkins.
The National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Murders.
What is one recommended policy change to improve youth justice?
Keeping youth in the juvenile system instead of trying them as adults.
What factors contributed to the 75% decline in the number of youth held in juvenile justice facilities from 2000 to 2022?