juvenile courts in 1970 must apply the "______ _ __________ _____"
beyond a reasonable doubt
The criminal justice system for juveniles is very different from the...?
adult one because they apply a different standard of treatment
The "Stand your ground" law lets people protect themselves if?
they are in a place they are allowed to be
True or false: Is Nata the favorite child?
What is the punishment for juveniles in a non-homicide case?
life without parole
If a child is physically or emotionally abused the..?
state has the power to take the kid
Its hard to prove someone is guilty of murder unless?
They can show it wasn't self defense
How many siblings does each of us have?
Jenni: 2
what does "LWOP" mean?
life without parole
The states main goal is to..?
protect the child that they take
In florida people can use deadly force to?
protect themselves if they feel in danger, even without trying to run alway.
How tall is Nata?
LWOP is for juveniles in ___-________ _____?
non-homicide cases
There is a treatment for juveniles called Parens Patriae which means...?
that the state is the ultimate parent
florida made this law in 2005?
and now over 21 states have simular laws
How old are the people in this group?
Natalie: 15 Jenni: 15 ezekie: 15
who banned the death penalty for offenders under 18?
Rober v. Simmons
People have control of their children...?
as long as they can care and provide for them
It adds to the old rule that people could only?
defend themselves inside their homes
How many years and months does Jenni and her boyfriend have together?
1 year and 8 months