
in Ayah 214- 216

Why were the believers commanded to fight, even though they disliked it?

The believers were commanded to fight as a form of defense and protection, especially in the face of hostility and oppression from their adversaries.


234- 238

Allah asks us to maintain our prayers with care specially what prayer?


How is Allah asking us to stand infront of Allah in prayers?

asr prayer


devoutly obedient 




ع ل م


Ayah 214-216

In the context of spending in charity, who are the primary recipients

The Quran specifies that spending in charity should prioritize certain categories of individuals: parents, relatives, orphans, 

the needy, and travelers.


ayah 216- 221

What is the primary concern when caring for the wealth of an orphan,

the primary concern is to fulfill the responsibility of managing the orphan's wealth in a manner that honors their rights and interests



what does it mean by guarding the prayer

perform the prayer on time and be consistent



What reassurance does Allah provide to the believers who are experiencing trials and hardships?

Allah reminds the believers that just as those before them faced trials and hardships, they too are being tested. The believers are reminded not to despair, as Allah's help is always near. Even when 

faced with adversity, the believers are encouraged to remain patient and trust in Allah's plan.


234 to 238

what should a man do if he divorces a woman before the marriage is consummated and the dowry is not settled? 

even if the marriage contract is not fully executed, the man should provide the woman with a suitable 

compensation as a gesture of goodwill and fairness. This compensation should be in accordance with his means, whether he is wealthy or poor. 



ayah 149






whta happened to the people who that fled their homes in fear of death, and what lesson do we derive from this story.

Allah said to them, “Die!” then He gave them life.

The lesson for us is that no living being can escape death by running away from it.



a.what is qard hassana- good loan" (qard al-hasan) 

b.who do we give this loan to? and what  is given

c.What is the significance of spending in the way of Allah

Spending in the way of Allah is to giving a loan to Allah, which He promises to multiply many times over. 

It is described as a "good loan" (qard al-hasan), indicating that it will be repaid with abundance either in this world or in the Hereafter.

This concept emphasizes the idea that whatever is spent for the sake of Allah is not lost but rather invested for one's own benefit. 

Spending in the way of Allah encompasses monetary donations to mosques, religious institutions, or charitable causes, as well as contributing one's time, skills, and efforts for the sake of promoting the religion of Islam


ayah 216- 221

What does Allah advise regarding the consumption of intoxicants and gambling

there may be some perceived benefits in these activities, but the harm they cause outweighs any potential benefits.