Name the theme.
What is Strengthen Your FAITH!
This is the example we should follow.
What is Jesus' example?
Name of the dirge David composed for Saul & Jonathan.
What is the bow?
2022 Convention Song
What is "Peace AT LAST?"
State the scripture the theme was based on.
What is Hebrews 10:39?
This would describe "the new personality."
What is a way of thinking and acting that reflects Jah's personality?
We learn these two qualities from "the bow."
What is show respect for those in authority and loyalty to our friends?
The reason we need to strengthen our faith now.
What is because our faith will be tested our everlasting life depends on it and it will be too late later?
Jesus is the type of "maker".
What is peacemaker?
Abner's loyalties did this.
What is they changed from Saul to David?
The reason it is beneficial to examine Bible Prophecy.
What is examining Bible prophecy strengthens our faith and motivates us to help others?
Jesus showed these qualities demonstrating his sincere kindness.
What is gentleness, yielding, firmness, not overly sentimental?
David responded this way to Abner's request.
What is David respected and honored Abner's request?
By doing these two things we feed our faith.
What is daily bible reading and meditation?
This is doing the right things with the right motives.
What is genuine goodness?
These two brothers killed Abner.
Who are Joab and Abishai?