What indicates a change is near?
Current events and attitudes
Love is patient and kind...
1 Corinthians 13
What is God's name?
The dead aren't dead but...
What will Dyce and Lovely be in the new system?
Big Cats
What will NEVER happen to earth?
The earth will never be destroyed
Trust in Jehovah with all your heart...
Proverbs 3:5-6
What is some ways Jehovah communicates with us?
The Bible, Holy Spirit, The Congregation
True or False: The dead cannot help us or harm us
What does mom want in the new system of things?
Miniature farm animals
What will be restored?
The earth's environment
For God loved the world so much...
John 3:16
God is...
Fair and Unbiased
What will happen to our loved ones when the new system comes around?
They will be resurrected
Who loves you?
What is something that JW's are excited about the new system?
Everyone will have perfect health
Keep on, then, seeking...
Matthew 6:33-34
What is God main goal?
To help us
Sum up Revelation 21:4
"Death will be no more"
Am I hungry?
What can we do in the new system?
You can live forever on earth!
Do not be anx...
Philippians 4:6-7
A real government in heaven that will replace human governments.
Not all religions please WHO?
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