1 Peter 5:7: While you throw all your anxiety on him,...
...because he cares for you.
Read aloud exactly what is on the page.
Accurate Reading
He would not pollute himself with the King's delicacies.
Name the 1st and the 10th plague.
Nile River becomes blood. & Firstborn dies.
12 year old Jesus at the temple questions teachers.
a) Galilee
b) Capernaum
c) Jerusalem
c) Jerusalem
Mark 10:27: "with man it is impossible but not so with God,...
...for all things are possible with God."
Using these will arouse and maintain interest, to reason with your listeners, and to emphasize important points.
He was blameless and upright, fearing God and turning aside from bad.
Darkness was what number plague?
Where was Jesus baptized and anointed?
The Jordan River
2 Corinthians 4:18: while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For...
...the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting.
Help your listeners to understand how your subject affects their lives, and show them what to do with what they learn.
Practical Value Made Clear
He was accredited for the position of prophet to Jehovah.
Frogs, Gnats, and Gadflies
Lazarus dies and is resurrected here
a) Samaria
b) Bethany
c) Perea
b) Bethany
Romans 8:38, 39: For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation...
...will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus or Lord.
Use trustworthy evidence to help your listeners arrive at the correct conclusion.
Accurate and Convincing
An angel ascended in the flame of the altar while he and his wife looked on.
Pestilence on Livestock and Hail and Lightning were what number plagues?
5th & 7th
Jesus heals a blind man here.
a) Caesarea
b) Capernaum
c) Bethsaida
c) Bethsaida
Isaiah 41:10: Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you,...
...I will really hold onto you with my right hand of righteousness.
Stimulate the thinking of your listeners, leaving them with the feeling that they learned something worthwhile.
Informative to Your Audience
His own hands laid the foundation of the rebuilt temple.
Name the 6th & 8th plagues.
Boils & Locusts
Jesus' betrayal and arrest happened here.