Thrown into the Lion's pit
Who is Daniel?
"Living One"; Became Mother of Everyone Living
Who is Eve?
2 Books that include Jesus' lineage
Who are Matthew and Luke?
James and _____
Who is John?
Jesus first miracle
What is turned water into wine?
(John 2:1-12)
Assured King Hezekiah of Jehovah's backing
Who is Isaiah?
A Moabitess who married Boaz
Who is Ruth?
Sign of Jesus' Presence includes Pestilences
Who is Luke?
(Luke 21:11)
Abraham and _____
Who is Sarah?
Jehovah parted this to deliver Israel from Egypt
What is the Red Sea?
Had 450 Baal Prophets killed after testing who is the true God
Who is Elijah?
She sold purple
Who is Lydia?
Last of the 4 Gospels to be written
Who is John?
David and his friend _____
Who is Jonathan?
The "great prostitute who sits on many waters"
Who is Babylon the Great?
(Revelation 17:5; 17:18)
Jehovah took him away from following the flock to become a prophet; a nipper of figs
Who is Amos?
First husband's name meant "Senseless; Stupid"
Who is Abigail?
Written for a non-Jewish, Roman audience; Obtained from Peter's eye witness accounts
Who is Mark?
Ruth and ______
Who is Naomi?
What is the Jordan?
Was taught a lesson in mercy by a bottle-gourd plant
Her Hebrew name was Hadassah meaning "Myrtle"
This miracle is the only one all 4 gospel writers wrote about
What is Jesus feeds 5,000 men?
(Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-13)
Peter and his brother ______
Who is Andrew?
Said "Look! Here is water; what prevents me from getting baptized?"
Who is the Ethiopian eunuch?
(Acts 8:36)