She was "pretty in form & beautiful in appearance when she replaced Vashti as Queen.
Who was Queen Esther?
"We're Jehovah's Witnesses. We speak out in fearlessness...
Ours if the God of true prophecy; What he foretells comes to be."
They brought back a favorable report after spying out the Promised Land.
Who were Joshua & Caleb?
This worthless and good for nothing man whose name means "senseless", almost got every male in his household killed.
Who was Nabal?
This prophetic book gives Jehovah's people their name.
What is the book of Isaiah?
I have the color of coriander seeds but taste like flat cakes with honey.
What is manna?
She laughed at the thought of giving birth, but miraculously received power to conceive.
Who was Sarah?
"Sing out with joy of heart! You too can have a part...
Live for the day when you'll say, "Life without end at last!""
This father of Methuselah walked with Jehovah for 300 years & then was taken by Jehovah so as to not see death.
Who was Enoch?
This mighty hunter was founder & King of the 1st empire to exist after the flood.
Who was Nimrod?
I had a dream about the rise & fall of world powers, involving an immense image & I myself was the head of gold.
Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
A prisonlike abased condition into which the disobedient angels of Noah's day were cast.
Just before his brutal death, he cried out to Jehovah, "Do not charge this sin against them."
Who was Stephen?
"It's the person, not the place; It's the heart & not the face God's message to all people we extend...
... So because we really care, we keep preaching everywhere. All sorts of people can become God's friend."
This King of Judah showed Babylon all the treasures of his house, but he kept full trust in Jehovah's protection so God rewarded him by adding 15 yrs to his life.
Who was King Hezekiah?
I was husband to the wicked Queen who was tossed out a window to her death.
Who was King Ahab?
If you are approached by 6 men with smashing weapons, you hope their companion will do this to you.
What is mark your forehead?
An apron-like garment worn by priests.
What is an Ephod?
I was the 1st non-Jew to be anointed with holy spirit.
Who is Cornelius?
"It makes us glad & we rejoice to give our heart & mind & voice...
... So may our sacrifice of praise continue all our days."
A judge of Israel who made a test of Jehovah's support using a fleece of wool before his army conquered the Midianites by singing, shouting, blowing horns and smashing their water jars.
Who was Gideon?
Though I initially followed my husband's lead, it didn't last because materialism led to my demise.
Who was Lot's wife?
I prophesied about the attack of Gog of Magog on Jehovah's people & how pure worship would be restored.
Who was Ezekiel?
Those taking a special vow to Jehovah could not drink alcohol or eat grapes, not cut their hair or touch a dead body.
What is a Nazarite?
He ran alongside the chariot of an Ethiopian Eunich & asked "Do you actually know what you're reading?"
Who is Phillip the Evangelizer?
"Jehovah give me eyes of faith And help me always see, There are more with us than against us courageous let me be. Courage,...
... give me courage. With courage I'll endure. Jehovah give me courage. Your victory is sure!"
Jehovah's holy spirit gave these two "wisdom, understanding & knowledge of every kind of craftsmanship."
Who were Bezalel & Oholiab?
This high ranking official of Assyrian King Sennacherib taunted God's people & told them not to let King Hezekiah deceive them.
Who was the Rabshakeh?
The very night I drank from the cups of Jehovah's temple I saw a miraculous hand writing on the wall and shortly thereafter my great city Babylon fell to Cyrus.
Who was King Belshazzar?
The fruit of this was fought over by Rachel & Leah because it was thought to be able to increase fertility & aid conception.
What are mandrakes?
Who was Ananias & Saphira?
"Love - unfailing love - That's what Jehovah gives. That's what he is. Love - unfailing love. That's what ...
... we need to live. And the love here today, In our heart may it stay - Unfailing love."
Jesus saw him coming and said, "See, truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit."
Who was Nathanael?
This high ranking official of King Ahasuerus devised a plan to murder all the Jews, but his plan backfired when he himself was hung on a stake.
Who was Haman?
Ezekiel & Zechariah prophesied this city of commerce would be destroyed twice - the 2nd time the ruins from the 1st destruction would be used to build a bridge to enable it's downfall.
What is the city of Tyre?
Objects used by the high priest in a manner similar to the use of lots to determine the divine will when questions of national importance needed an answer from Jehovah.
What are the Urim & Thummim?