"I threw it into the fire and out came this calf"
Who was Aaron? (to Moses)
On this day tongues of fire rested on each one as they became filled with holy spirit & spoke different languages.
What was Pentecost 33 CE?
When David 1st left being a shepherd of his father's sheep, it was to serve as this.
These 2 non-Israelite women where ancestresses to David & Jesus.
Who were Ruth & Rahab?
This prophet told King David that a sword would not depart from his house.
Who was Nathan?
"Keep your senses, be watchful!
Your adversary, the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone." 1Pet 5:8
"Here I am about to die! What use is a birthright to me?"
The action Jesus took after uttering the words, "I want to. Be made clean."
What is healed a leper?
David told this man to "put Uriah in the front lines where the fighting is fiercest. Then retreat from behind him"
Who was Joab?
She stole the teraphim that belonged to her father.
Who was Rachel?
This prophet was a nipper of figs.
Who was Amos?
"Throw your burden on Jehovah, And he will sustain you.
Never will he allow the righteous to fall." Psa 55:22
Who was the Queen of Sheba? (to King Solomon)
My flesh was restored to that of a little boy after following Elisha's instructions to plunge into the Jordan River 7 times.
Who was Naaman?
This wife of David called him "empty headed" when he leaped and danced before Jehovah as the Ark was brought into Jerusalem.
Who was Michal?
A beautiful, hospitable woman who was willing to water 10 camels when meeting an elderly man who'd traveled far to find her.
Who was Rebekah?
This prophet cried out to Jehovah, "How long O Jehovah, must I cry for help, but you do not hear?...Why do you make me witness wrongdoing?"
Who was Habakkuk?
"Faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for,
the evident demonstration of realities that are not seen." Heb 11:1
"Do not be afraid. Am I in the place of God? Although you meant to harm me, God intended it to turn out well & to preserve many people."
Who was Joseph? (to his brothers)
Jehovah miraculously rewarded the hospitable & faithful widow of Zarapheth with these 2 miracles.
What was when her flour & oil didn't run out & the resurrection of her son when he died.
This was David's hometown.
What is Bethlehem?
Though already married, she was taken to Pharaoh & to King Abimilech to possibly become one of their wives, but divine intervention kept her safe.
Who was Sarah?
Jehovah instructed this prophet to repeatedly bury & unbury a linen belt.
Who was Jeremiah?
"I, Jehovah, am your God, The One teaching you to benefit yourself, The One guiding you in the way you should walk.
If only you would pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river And your righteousness like the waves of the sea."
"To obey is better than a sacrifice."
Who is Samuel? (to King Saul)
In order to stop a stubborn servant of God from cursing Israel, Jehovah sent an angel to block the road 3 times - leading to what miracle?
What was Balaam's donkey talking?
During his flight from King Saul, David was captured by King Achish of Gath but was released because he did this.
What is faking insanity?
A prophetess in Israel who dwelt under a palm tree & "the sons of Israel would go up to for judgement"
Who was Deborah?
This prophet's wife committed adultery & he was also later quoted by Jesus in saying, "I want mercy, not sacrifice"
Who was Hosea?
"All scripture is inspired of God & beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight,
for disciplining in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." 2Tim 3:16,17
"Why do you weep, why do you not eat & why are you so sad? Am I not better to you then 10 sons?"
Who is Elkanah? (to Hannah)
This prophet was involved in miraculously making poisonous stew edible, making an ax head float and even after his death his bones enlivened a man.
Who was Elisha?
This lame son of Jonathan was invited by David to always dine at the King's table.
Who was Mephibosheth?
She was carried off captive by the Amalekites with other women & children while her 2nd husband was away, but her husband rescued her with a band of men.
Who was Abigail?
This "eager" prophet walked about naked & barefoot for 3 yrs & said he was a man "unclean in lips"
Who was Isaiah?
"For all things were written beforehand were written for our instruction,
so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope." Rom 15:4