This apostle betrayed Jesus with a kiss for the price of a slave, just 30 pieces of silver, and later committed suicide because of the shame he felt.
Judas Iscariot
The feet of iron and clay in Nebuchadnezzar's dream image from Daniel chapter 2 represent this world power.
This man poured water on the hands of Elijah.
Elisha (2 Kings 3:11)
Jesus often met with his apostles and taught crowds of his followers from this location, just outside the walls of Jerusalem.
Mount of Olives
2370 B.C.E. marks the date of this global disaster in which only 8 people survived.
the Flood
One of these two brothers was formerly a disciple of John the Baptizer, and the other one was known for his outspoken manner and later denied knowing Christ during his arrest and trial.
Peter and Andrew
In Daniel chapter 8, a goat with a great horn represented this Grecian conqueror who defeated the kings of Medo-Persia. Later the large horn was split into four, predicting the demise of his reign.
Alexander the Great
He was taken up in a fiery chariot and a windstorm.
Elijah (2 Kings 2:11)
Mount Ararat is commonly thought to be the final resting place of this vessel.
Noah's Ark
Jehovah created humans on this creative "day".
sixth day
(Gen 1:26)
Formerly a tax collector, this apostle was the son of Alphaeus and later wrote the first of the four gospel accounts about the life and ministry of Jesus.
The time span of this prophecy from Daniel chapter 9 starts from the restoration of Jerusalem and identifies the year when the Messiah would appear.
'70 weeks' prophecy
When a dead man touched this man's bones he was resurrected.
Elisha (2 Kings 13:20,21)
Below Mount Sinai the Israelites committed idolatry, while Moses was on top of the mountain receiving these instructions from Jehovah.
When tracking dates before our Common Era, this year doesn't exist.
year zero
Nicknamed Boanerges, meaning 'sons of thunder', these 2 apostles left their fishing business to become apostles of Christ, and once had their mom ask Jesus for the two highest positions in God's Kingdom.
James and John
Russia and its allies have proven themselves to represent this king from the prophecy in Daniel chapter 11.
king of the north
Bread and meat were brought to him miraculously by ravens
Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-6)
David previously brought the Ark of the covenant to this mountain, which later in the book of Revelation was used symbolicly to represent the heavenly rulership of Jesus Christ.
On this pivotal date, established by both Bible and secular sources, Babylon was conquered by Medo-Persia.
539 B.C.E.
After Jesus death, this man was chosen as the replacement for Jesus' betrayer in the group of 12 apostles.
(Acts 1:20-26)
The fulfillment of this prophecy from Daniel chapter 4 spans a duration of 2,520 years.
'seven times' prophecy
(or Nebuchadnezzar's dream tree)
After a strong wind, an earthquake, and a fire, a calm, low voice spoke to him.
Elijah (1 Kings 19:11-13)
This mountain is referenced figuratively in the book of Revelation as the site of Jehovah's final war to destroy Satan's wicked system of things.
(Rev 16:16 ftn.)
The partial year before a new king's first regnal year in known as this.
accession year