David is the father to this boy who killed a lion with his bare hands?
This household pet can use their sense of smell to detect the age, gender, and mood of other animals like themselves?
This form of witnessing is usually done at school, at work, or elsewhere while going about your daily activities?
Informal Witnessing
This publication is used to help inactive ones?
Return to Jehovah
This bible writer helped to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem?
He is the father of Manasseh?
This animal can accelerate from a dead stop to about 40 mph in two seconds?
What is the name of the second part of the Life and Ministry Meeting?
Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry
When someone ask you did you read today's text they are referring to what publication?
Examining the Scriptures Daily
How many plagues did Jehovah bring upon Egypt?
He is Enoch's son who lived to be 969 years of age?
This animal has a built in sonar that allows it to find fish hiding in the sand?
What is the name of the phrase that is used for someone who is moving to another area to expand their ministry?
Serving Where the Need is Greater
Many young children enjoy this publication that was released in 1978?
My Book of Bible Stories
In the book of Genesis, this man found himself wrestling with an angel?
Amon was the father to this boy who became king at eight years of age?
Also known as Leviathan, this animal has a bite three times as harder than a lion or tiger?
This school is designed to help special full time servants strengthen and stabilize the field in the land that they are assigned?
This publication helps you to understand how the christian congregation functions today?
Organized to do Jehovah's Will
In the book of Numbers, this man led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron?
He is the father of Noah?
This is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms found not only in humans but in plants and animals as well?
What publication can you use with a person that has a limited reading ability?
Listen to God or Listen to God and Live Forever
This publication released in 2018 provides an updated explanation of Ezekiel's prophecies?
Pure Worship of Jehovah Restored At Last
This bible book spoke of God's prophecy that Nineveh must fall?