This system focuses on the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
How would a Utilitarian respond to the Baby Hitler Dilemma?
Killing Baby Hitler would be permissible because in exchange for 1 life, millions would be saved.
This famous philosopher came up with Deontology. (First and last name)
Immanuel Kant
How would a Libertarian respond to pro-life vs pro-choice?
It is morally permissible because people should have the right to choose what they do with their bodies without government interference.
Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
This ethical system focuses on interpersonal relationships.
Care Ethics
How would a Deontologist respond to the Trolley Problem?
It is morally forbidden to pull the lever to kill the 1 because the act of killing is unacceptable in any circumstance.
This famous philosopher that revolutionized the Utilitarian System. (First middle last name OR initials)
John Stuart Mill
How would a utilitarian respond to mass data collection?
Mass data collection is permissible because the pleasure of the millions whose online experience is improved outweighs the displeasure of their data being sold.
What is the first step in the ethical decision making process?
Identify the problem
The ethical system that tells us not how to act, but who to be.
Virtue Ethics
How would a Deontologist respond to the Baby Problem?
John Locke is most famous for utilizing this ethical system in his ideas.
How would one respond to euthanasia using care ethics?
It is morally forbidden because it diminishes a doctor's role as a healer that should treat their patient.
What is the second step of the ethical decision making framework?
Identify all relevant facts
This ethical system opposes forcing a particular moral code on others.
How would one respond to the Prisoner's Dilemma using Utilitarianism?
The prisoner should not cooperate because if both choose to not cooperate it leads to the best possibility for both of them, as opposed to one or neither.
This famous Philosopher inspired and shaped the Virtue Ethics system we know today.
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!! - - - How would a Deontologist respond to student loan forgiveness?
It is impermissible because borrowers have a duty to pay what they owe, and promises should be followed through no matter what.
What are the 3 broad types of ethical theory?
A. consequentialist, non-consequentialist, agent-centered , B. futurist, presentist, pastist C. consequentialist, non-consequentialist, precedentalist , D. logic, emotion, experience
A. Consequentialist, non-conseqentialist, agent-centered
This system treats the humanity in a person as an end, not as a means.
Kantian Ethics
This is the ethical system that the three sailors ultimately used to decide what the correct choice was in the Regina v. Dudley & Stevens case. (what is....)
This philosopher came up with the famous trolley dilemma. A. David Gauthier , B. Friedrich Nietzche , C. Bertrand Russell , D. Philippa Foot
Philippa Foot
How would one respond to the modification/editing of genes in fetuses/babies using care ethics?
It would be impermissible because ultimately it would damage the bond between parent/child by dehumanizing the children and turning them more into commodities for the parents.
What are the 5 principles of ethical decision making?