Ejemplos de fe
New Understandings

Why don't we celebrate Christmas

First off,  there is no mention of the date of Jesus’ birth can be found in the Bible. Plus we don't celebrate any type of birthdays, and its all a lie. Christmas is “nothing but a pagan festival covered with a Christian veneer.” Christmas, therefore, dishonors God and his Son, Jesus Christ. 



He taught his family to obey Jehovah’s instructions. In obedience to God, he built an ark to preserve his family and the animals through a great flood. 



Who is Noah?


God told Noah to bring the animals into the ark. God also told Noah to fix up the ark so that no water could leak in. Afterward, Noah and his family also went into the ark. Then God shut the door. Inside, Noah and his family waited. Everyone not in the ark will die.

What was Noah's assignment?


Is Christendom the antitype of ancient apostate Jerusalem?




Conditions in unfaithful Jerusalem—such as idolatry and widespread corruption—remind us of Christendom, but we no longer refer to Christendom as the antitypical Jerusalem.





What is God's name


Who made God?

“Nobody made God,” the father replies. “He has always existed.”



The first king of Israel. In the beginning, he was humble and modest. Later, though, he became arrogant, and Jehovah rejected him as king. He  hunted for David, who had become a mighty warrior, and tried to kill him. But Jehovah protected David, and he later died during a battle with the Philistines.



Who is King Saul?


The angel Gabriel was sent to a fine young woman named Mary. He told her that she would have a child who would rule as king forever. The child, Jesus, was born in a stable.

What did Gabriel the angel do?



How was the vision of the valley of dry bones fulfilled?



The deathlike condition of spiritual captivity lasted a very long time and began much earlier than 1918. It started in the second century C.E. and ended in 1919 C.E. and basically parallels the long growing season in Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the weeds.




He Causes to Become

What does the name Jehovah mean?


Was Jesus Married? Did Jesus Have Siblings?

The Bible makes clear that Jesus was not married, even though it does not specifically comment on his marital status.

Jesus had at least six siblings. These included his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas as well as at least two sisters.


A man “blameless and up- right” in God’s eyes.Though his wife and others pressured him, and never turned away from serving God. His perseverance and happy outcome give us the courage to endure our trials loyally.





Who is Job?                                                                  




JESUS has stopped to rest by a well in Sa·marʹi·a. His disciples have gone into town to buy food. The woman Jesus is speaking to has come to get some water. He says to her: ‘Give me a drink.’ This surprises the woman very much. Why does it surprise her?

It is because Jesus is a Jew, and she is a Sa·marʹi·tan. And most Jews do not like Sa·marʹi·tans. They won’t even talk to them! But Jesus loves all kinds of people.


Who is Gog of Magog?




Gog of Magog refers to a coalition of earthly nations that will attack pure worshippers during the great tribulation.




 To uphold his universal sovereignty and vindicate his name by means of the heavenly kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ. Also for mankind to live at peace and harmony here on earth forever.

What is God's Purpose?


Was Mary, the mother of Jesus, really a virgin all her life?

The idea that Mary remained a virgin all her life, some have applied different meanings to the term “brothers.”  The most natural way to understand ‘brothers’ . . . is that the term refers to sons of Mary and Joseph and thus to brothers of Jesus on his mother’s side.” So, no.


                                                                      Despite having an unbelieving father, he became “an example to the faithful ones in speaking, in conduct, in love, in faith, in chastenes. He applied the Bible’s advice: “Be training yourself with godly devotion as your aim". He assisted the apostle Paul for some 15 years.







Who is Timothy?


Jehovah told Moses to put up a copper snake on the pole so that the people could look at it and keep alive. But the other snakes on the ground are real. They have bitten the people and made them sick. Do you know why?

It is because the Israelites have spoken against God and Moses. They complain: ‘Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in this wilderness? There is no food or water here. And we can’t stand to eat this manna anymore.’



Whom does the man with the secretary’s inkhorn                                                                   

Ezek. 9:2






The man with the secretary’s inkhorn pictures Jesus Christ. He will mark the great crowd when they are judged as sheep during the “great tribulation.”—Matt. 24:21.




So that humans could have their sins forgiven and receive endless life.

Why did Jehovah send his son Jesus here to earth and die?

What Does It Mean to Be Holy?

To be holy refers to a state of being set apart from defilement. The Hebrew word translated “holy” comes from a term meaning “separate.” The word “holy” can be applied to anything that is directly connected to God, especially things that are set aside for exclusive use in worship



Though heir to the throne and likely 30 years older than David,and supported David as God’s king-designate .He even risked his life to protect David from Saul, his jealous father. His example of humility teaches us to be happy for others who receive good things from God.







Who is Jonathan?


Why would El·kaʹnah and Hanʹnah give someone so young as Samuel to serve Jehovah at the tabernacle?

One day when Hanʹnah was visiting Jehovah’s tabernacle, she prayed: ‘O Jehovah, do not forget me! If you give me a son, I promise that I will give him to you so he can serve you all his life.’ ‘As soon as Samuel is old enough so he does not need to be nursed anymore, I will take him to the tabernacle to serve Jehovah there.’



What do the four faces of the living creatures represent?

Ezek. 1:4-6, 10; 10:2






While each one of the four faces of the living creatures stands for one of the four cardinal attributes of Jehovah, when viewed together the four faces embrace all the attributes that he possesses. Also, the four faces impress on us the surpassing greatness of Jehovah’s might and glory.




God is able to see everything and to act anywhere he chooses. However, the Bible does not teach that God is omnipresent —that is, present everywhere, in all things. Instead, it shows that he is a person and that he resides in a dwelling place. Although he lives in the spirit realm, God notices those on earth who truly want to please him, and he acts in their behalf.

Is God Everywhere, Omnipresent?