True or False
Who said it?
Four Gospels
Young Ones in the Bible
Finish the Lyric

Nearly 40 different people were inspired to write the Bible.



"Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice to send Israel away?"

o Moses

o Pharaoh

o Harod

o Amulon

Who is Pharaoh?


Which parable teaches that we should keep on praying?

o The persistent widow

o The rich man and Lazarus

o The Pharisee and tax collector

Who is the The Persistent Widow?


What twelve year old boy became king of Israel?

- Manasseh

- Solomon

- David

- Hezekiah

Who is Manasseh?
Song 20: You gave your precious Son, and now we sing as one...

What is... A song we'll sing forever


There are 64 books in total in the Bible.

False. There are 66 books in total.


"Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?"

o James

o John

o Jesus

o Jesse

Who is Jesus?


How did Jesus say we should think about tomorrow?

o Never be too concerned about all the next three days.

o Never be anxious about the next school year.

o Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties.

What is: Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties?


How old was Jesus when he stayed behind to sit in the midst of the teachers to ask them questions?

What is twelve


Song 158 "It will not be late!"

Beauty fills the earth, wonder fills our mind...

The work of your hands so patiently designed


Lots daughter turned into a pillar of salt.

False. It was Lots wife.


"I, for my part, baptize you with water, but the one stronger than I am is coming ...He will baptize you with holy spirit and with fire."

o James the brother of Jesus

o The apostle Paul

o King David

o John the Baptist

Who is John the Baptist?

What Treasure did Jesus say we should try to store up?

o Treasures on the Earth

o Treasures in our House

o Treasures in Heaven

o Treasures in our Hearts

What is Treasures in Heaven?


Moses older sister approached Egypt's royalty, Phar'aoh's daughter in a spirit of bravery.

Who is Miriam?


Song 157 "Peace at Last!"

To the ends of the earth, There'll be peace at last...

For all eternity


God provided a goat to sacrifice instead of Isaac.

False. It was a male Sheep or Ram.


"You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

o Thomas

o Nathanial

o James

o Peter

Who is Nathanial?


What is the third book of the Christian Greek Scriptures?

o Matthew

o Mark

o John

o Luke

What is The Book of Mark?


This king was only eight years old when he became king of Judah.

Who is Josiah?


Song 54: "This is the Way"

There is a way of peace, The way you've come to know. It is the way you learned...

What is: The way of long ago?


Samuel was Israel's first king.

False. It was Saul.


"Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow Jehovah will do wonderful things among you!"

o Moses

o Abraham

o Elijah

o Joshua

Who is Joshua?


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God.

o John

o Mark

o Matthew

o Luke

What is the Book of John?


He accompanied Paul on his second missionary trip.

Who is Timothy?


Song 85: "Welcome One Another"

Welcome to all who gather here this day, To hear God's Word... 

And to learn his way.