When the angel came to her. She said "Look! Jehovah's slave girl"
This couple were tent makers
Aquila and Priscilla
Song# 58 Searching for friends of peace. What is the next two lines.
Jesus Commanded______________
" Let the truth be heard. In summer heat, on dusty roads. he let all hear Jehovah's word.
Theme Scripture of this Year's pioneer meeting
What is Psalm 68:19?
At the 2024 Convention, we saw this drama
" The Good News according to Jesus: Episode 1?
Eli thought she was drunk
When he was dying, he saw a vision of Jesus standing at God's right hand.
Song#103 Shepherds- Gifts in Men
What is the next two lines?
God gives us men who have earned our trust
Men who are loyal and true. They show concern for his precious sheep. Love them for all they do.
Give two Basic Bible principles that will help you care for your health
What is
1. Get enough sleep
2. Eat healthy food
3, Stay physically active
Theme of the 2024 Convention
"Declare the Good News"
She stopped David from bloodguilt
He is known as the evangelizer and had daughters that prophesy
Song#79- Teach them to stand firm
Next two lines.
Jehovah, may you hear our prayer
and keep them in your watchful care. in Jesus name, for them we plead: may they succeed. May everyone one of them stand firm.
Give us two bible principles that will help you to balance your responsibilities
What is
1. Be reasonable
2. Set priorities and be organized
3. communicate and collaborate
These two people were at the temple when Mary and Joseph went there with Baby Jesus
Anna and Simeon
Her husband lost the ability to speak
He was eloquent speaker
Song#76, How does it make you feel?
What is the next line?
How does it make you feel knowing God support is real
And that he's entrusted you to do the work we do?
These two sisters pioneered together for 60 years
Who is Takako and Hisako?
Theme of the 2023 convention?
" Exercise Patience!
When Peter knock at the door, she was so overcome with joy that, instead of letting him in, she ran back inside to tell the others.
The apostle Paul told him to be ready for every good work and to speak injuriously of no one
Song#45 The meditation of my heart
Next two lines
When worries weigh upon my mind
and make me restless in the night.
then may I meditate on you. and things I know to be upright.
What scripture is this" He gives power to the tired one"
What is Isaiah 40:29?
Theme of the 2025 convention?
"Pure Worship”