In the video "Stealing is bad", what color was the lollipop that Caleb wanted to steal?
Place where Jonah was assigned to preach
This book of the Bible tells of the Shulammite girl in the King's camp.
Song of Solomon
What was the day's text for today?
John 14:12 - "Whoever exercises faith in me... will do works greater than these."
He was well reported on by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium
In the video "Giving makes you happy", what did Caleb help his mom do?
Paint the fence
Name of a city that means "confusion"
In this book of the Bible, a woman of the same name becomes queen and exposes Haman to the king.
The Babylonian name assigned to Daniel
Bel-te-shaz'zar (Daniel 1:7)
The Father of the Apostles James and John
What was the first song released in the "Become a Friend of Jehovah" series?
Listen, obey, and be blessed
Mountains where the ark rested after the flood
In this book, the anointed receive the gift of the holy spirit and are blessed with the ability to speak in different tongues.
Acts (Chapter 2)
What day was our memorial this year?
15 April
Which prophet wrote the books 1 Kings and 2 Kings?
At the beginning of the "Respect Jehovah's House" video, what competition was Caleb in?
In what modern country can one find the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon?
In this book, Jehovah helps King Hezekiah and sends an angel to kill 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.
2 Kings (Chapter 19)
What does each horse represent?
Jesus the Conqueror, War, Famine, Death
When he spoke with Job, he gave him compassionate but direct counsel that helped Job correct his thinking and exalt the position of the true God.
What was Caleb and Sophia's first video about?
Obey your parents
Jesus returned to __________, which at this point could be called "his own city," the place where he could be said to be "at home."
Jehovah's angel makes a donkey speak in this book of the Bible?
Numbers (Chapter 22)
The Egyptian name for Joseph
Noah's grandfather