Jacob's youngest brother
(Genesis 40:29,30)
Gave strength to Samson
(Judges 13:6)
How long was David's reign over Israel?
40 years
(1 kings 2:11)
What instrument did David play?
The harp
(1 Samuel 16:23)
Other than Ruth, who was Naomi's other daughter in law?
(Ruth 1:14)
Was thrown out of a window and eaten by dogs
(2 kings 9:33,36)
Denied Jesus three times
(Matthew 26:33,34)
How many men did adonijah have run before him?
50 men
(1 kings 1:5)
What tree leaf did the dove bring back to Noah?
An olive tree leaf
(Genesis 8:11)
What was the name of Cains son?
(Genesis 4:17)
The son of man
(Matthew 20:28)
Refused to worship the image of Nebuchadnezzar
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
(Daniel 3:12)
What happened when Elijah struck the waters with his official garment?
They were divided to the left and to the right
(2 kings 2:8)
In what city did Jacob acquire a portion of a field from the sons of Hamor?
(Genesis 33:18,19)
What stones were engraved with the names of the sons of Israel for the ephod?
Onyx stones
(Exodus 28:9)
Grandmother of Timothy
(2 Timothy 1:5)
Delivered the message to Mary that she would bear Jesus
(Luke 1:26,27)
What happened to Sennacherib when he returned to Nineveh after being defeated?
He was killed by his own sons
(2 kings 19:36,37)
What was the name of the prostitute hosea was directed to marry?
(Hosea 1:2,3)
Who was given knowledge of every kind of craftsmanship by Jehovah?
(Exodus 31:2,3)
Brother to Jacob
(Genesis 25:25,26)
Anointed Israel's first king
(1 Samuel 10:1)
How many times did Elisha tell Naaman to wash in the jordan?
Seven times
(2 kings 5:10)
What were the dimensions of the ark?
300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high.
(Genesis 6:15)
How high was the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar made?
60 cubits
(Daniel 3:1)