Women of the Bible
"J" Bible Characters
Sing out Joyfully
Initial Call
Imitate their faith

She was a seller of purple.  "She just made us come."

Who is Lydia?


He was the son of Isaac & Rebekah.

Who is Jacob?


Teach me your ways, and make me understand, incline my ear . . .

What is "to hear your wise command"?


"And no resident will say "I am sick."

What is Isaiah 33:24?


She showed bravery in asking Pharoah's daughter if she could call a nursing woman from the Hebrews to nurse the child, her brother.

Who is Miriam?


She was loved less than Hannah, and so she ridiculed Hannah's barrenness.

Who is Peninnah?


Son of Zebedee, brother of John and one of the 12 apostles of Jesus.

Who is James


"It makes us glad and we rejoice to give our heart & mind and voice, So may our . . .

What is "sacrifice of praise continue all our days"?


"For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all . . ."

What is Ecclesiastics 9:5?


Though his parents didn't, he developed faith in Jehovah thru creation, Jehovah's promises and by observing Jehovah's angels servants.

Who is Abel?


She made a powerful plea of mercy to David in behalf of her husband and her household.

Who is Abigail?


He was called to be a prophet when a young man but he said "I am but a boy."

Who is Jeremiah?


"Reaching out, giving all, for our God above, And where the need is great . . .

What is "there we'll be, reaching out in love."


"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God . . . while you throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."

What is 1 Peter 5:6,7?


He was called "the father of all those having faith".

Who is Abraham?


She was in constant attendance and at 84 years of age, was privileged to see the young child Jesus at the time of his presentation at the temple.

Who is Anna?


A presiding officer of the synagogue whose only daughter Jesus resurrected.

Who is Jairus?


"It means their life, but not just theirs; It means our own life as well, It means their life if they obey . . .

What is "So all the nations we must tell; We must tell"?


"From the beginning I foretell the outcome.  And from long ago the things that have not yet been done."

What is Isaiah 46:10?


He received a warning in a dream to take the young child and it's mother and flee into Egypt.  He quickly obeyed and protected his family.

Who is Joseph?


She was declared righteous by her works and her household was spared when Jericho's wall fell down.

Who is Rahab?


The name given by Jehovah's prophet Nathan to the second child of David & Bathsheba.

Who is Jedidiah?


'He'll guide you and protect you, as he has all along . ."

What is "Yes, he will make you firm, and he will make you strong"?


"Simon Peter answered: 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

What is Matthew 16:16?


He was threatened and hunted but still he delivered Jehovah's judgment message condemning Ahab and his entire dynasty.

Who is Elijah?