Name It or Sing It
In the Heavens Above or on the Earth Below
Bible Dates & Events
Kings & Emperors
1st Century Women

The mountain Jehovah commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on 

What is Mount Moriah?


The year the Bible Students adopted the name Jehovah’s Witnesses

When is 1931?


This son of Lamech is described as the forger of “every sort of tool of copper and iron”

Who is Tubal-Cain? (Gen. 4:19, 22)


With the days forever darkening, and the signs so very clear, we must keep our sense of urgency, as the end is drawing near.

We will seize this opportunity to declare Jehovah’s name, and the blessings of his Kingdom is the message we’ll proclaim.

NAME: Now Is The Time 


David said that Jehovah rescued him from (this animal) and a bear

What is a lion? (1 Sam. 17:36)


John the Baptizer began his ministry in this year

When is 29 CE?


King with the shortest reign

Who is Zimri? (1 Kings 16:15)


Wife of Aquila; helped her husband “explain the way of God more accurately” to Apollos

Who is Priscilla? (Acts 18:26)


After Israel crossed the Red Sea, Moses led them from the shores of the sea into this wilderness

What is the wilderness of Shur? (Ex. 15:22)


The name of the 1922 convention discourse that said the words: “Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom”

What is “The Kingdom”?


The apostle who wrote: “to the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia”

Who is Peter? (1 Pet. 1:1)


Deep in the jungle or on mountains high, in big, modern cities or on islands afar,

You belong. You belong to the people of God. So feel the love.

NAME: Brotherly Love 


This scripture says that this creature “was the most cautious of all the wild animals of the field that Jehovah God had made”

Give the scripture and animal 

What is Genesis 3:1; the serpent


The event that started the 400 years of affliction that ended with Israel’s deliverance from slavery

What is Ishmael mocked Isaac when he was weaned?


Zephaniah was a prophet in the days of this king

Who is king Josiah? (Zeph. 1:1)


“a seller of purple” and among the first in Europe to accept Christianity

Who is Lydia (Acts 16:14, 15)


David made this city his capital immediately after becoming king 

Where is Hebron? (2 Sam. 5:5)


The year Christmas was celebrated for the last time at Brooklyn Bethel

When is 1926?


The man who, at Paul’s words, Jehovah struck with blindness and a thick mist came over his eyes

Who is Bar-Jesus/ Elymas the sorcerer? (Acts 13:6, 11)


The God of times and of seasons, whose name alone is Jehovah, the time for his vindication is near by signs we can see

Keep on working and watching and waiting, joyfully  anticipating, life as God meant it to be

NAME: Keep Working, Watching, and Waiting 


In the 2016 “Remain Loyal to Jehovah” convention we learned that this animal moves up to 30 mph, absorbs energy as its legs leave the ground, and has muscles that act as shock absorbers 

What is the horse? (Job 39:19-25)


In this year the Abrahamic covenant was validated

When is 1943 BCE?


The number of years between the exodus and king Solomon beginning to build the temple

What is 480 years? (1 kings 6:1)


She, along with Syntyche, had “striven side by side with Paul for the good news”

Who is Euodia? (Phil. 4:2, 3)


The place that is the scene for the events narrated in the book of Esther

Where is Shushan? (Es. 1:2)


The reason Brother Russell appealed to some Scandinavian brothers to “return to the truth”

They stopped production of the Finnish Watchtower and raised funds for a new association called Ararat, and printed articles in Ararat magazine that in time distracted them from the clear teachings of the truth


The concubine of Saul who guarded the dead bodies of her 2 sons and 5 other descendants of Saul

Who is Rizpah? (2 Sam. 21:10)


And then with Christ, these sons of God will wage the final war

The joyous marriage to the Lamb will last forevermore

NAME: The Revealing of God’s Sons


In Ezekiel’s vision of the celestial chariot, WHEN VIEWED TOGETHER this is what the 4 faces of the cherubs represent-

What is “all the attributes Jehovah possesses?” 


This event marked the end of Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 weeks and the end of Jehovah’s special favor towards Jews

What is Cornelius becomes a Christian?


Elisha instructed this king to strike the ground with arrows to win the battle against Syria

Who is King Jehoash/Joash of the northern kingdom of Israel?


Her Aramaic name was Tabitha and she was resurrected by Peter

Who is Dorcas? (Acts 9:36-40)


In this city Demetrius the silversmith stirred up a crowd against Paul because many worshippers of the goddess Artemis became Christians

Where is Ephesus? ( Acts 19:24-26)


The issue that was brought up in the 1940 US Supreme Court that ruled 8:1 against Jehovah’s Witnesses

What is Minersville School District v. Gobitis?

 Lillian & William Gobitis expelled for refusing to salute flag and recite pledge; sparked more expulsion of witness kids, witnesses losing jobs and attack by mobs


Governor of Judea that took Felix’s place after he was recalled to Rome

Who is Festus?


Precious to God, we are daughters and sons, giving our strength as his faithful young ones

Loving attention to us he will give, blessing our days for as long as we live

NAME: Worship Jehovah During Youth 


In response to Job, Jehovah said “the wings of (this animal) flaps joyfully but can her pinions and plumage compare with the stork’s?” name the animal

What is an ostrich? (Job 39:13)


The 1st century Governing Body ruled against a requirement for circumcision in this year

When is 49 CE?


He reigned in the time of the foretold famine by Agabus in the 1st century

Who is Roman Emperor Claudius? (Acts 11.28)


She was the wife of Chuza, Herod’s man in charge and was also one of the many women who ministered to Jesus from her belongings

Who is Joanna? (Luke 8:3)


Sergius Paulus served as proconsul in this city on the west coast of Cyprus; he also became a Christian here

Where is Paphos? (Acts 13:12, 13)


The year the organization ended democratic elections of congregation servants and started appointing them theocratically

When is 1938?


The Israelite who passed away during the 40 year wilderness trek leaving his 5 daughters requesting his land; the first case that questioned if brotherless daughters should still get the family inheritance

Who is Zelophehad (Nu. 27:1-9)


Don’t look back, to the things behind. Keep your eyes straight ahead on that finish line.

Now’s the time to be strong. Keep building your faith. Don’t let the world slow you down. Put off ev’ry weight.

NAME: Run the Race


Behemoth is generally identified as this animal

What is a hippopotamus? (Job 40:15 footnote)


True or false: In 2370 BCE the flood rains stopped and Noah and his family stepped onto a cleansed earth

What is false? The flood rains did stop in 2370 BCE but Noah and his family didn’t come out until 2369 BCE


He is the only person referred to as “August One” in the scriptures and the last mentioned Caesar in the Bible record

Who is Emperor Nero?


Paul said of her: “she herself also proved to be a defender of many, including me”

Who is Phoebe (Rom. 16:1, 2)