How long was Noah and his family in the ark from the start of the flood to when the doors opened? (Insight bk Vol 2 pg 507)
What is about one year?
How old was Enoch when he was taken? (Gen 5:21-23)
What is 365 years old?
How long was the Ark in cubits? (Insight bk Vol 1 pg 164)
What is 300 cubits long?
What was the name of Adam and Eve's third son and how old was Adam when he had him? (Gen 4:25, Gen 5:3-5)
What does the name Nephilim mean? (Insight bk Vol 2 pg 491)
What is Fellers; Those who cause others to fall down?
The first thing Noah did after he came out of the ark was build an alter for Jehovah and made a sacrifice. What was the second thing he did? (Gen 8:15-9:20)
What is he planted a vineyard?
How many years before the flood did Methuselah die? (Insight bk vol 2 pg 389)
What is same year the flood began?
What was the meaning of Sarai and what did it change to? (Gen 17:15 study notes)
What is Contentious changed to Princess?
Methuselah is the oldest person in the Bible. Who is the second oldest? (Genesis Chapter 5)
What is Jared?
Name two of Cain's great-great-great-great daughters in law (Gen 4:17-19)
What is Adah and Zillah?
What specific races came from Shem, Ham and Japheth? (Watchtower 2004 1/1 pg 31)
What is Shem-Chaldeans, Ham-Canaanites and Japheth-Indo European?
Another possible name for High Priest and King Melchizedek (Insight bk Vol 2 pg 367)
What is Shem?
Before Noah sent out a dove to see if the waters had receded what other kind of bird did he send out? (Gen 8:6,7)
What is a Raven?
Counting Adam how many generations from Adam to Noah? (Luke 3:36-38)
What is 10 generations?
What materials were used in the construction of the Tower of Babel? (Gen 11:3 Insight bk Vol 1 pg 366)
What is fire kilned bricks and bitumen?
Where was Lot living when he was taken captive by four invading Kings? (Gen 14:1-12)
What is Sodom?
Noah's grandpa and how old was he when he died (1 Chron 1:1-4 Gen 5:18-31)
What is Methuselah and 969 years old?
On what creative day did the heavenly luminaries illuminate? (Gen 1:14-19)
What is the 4th creative day?
How many years did the Cherubs guard the entrance of the garden of Eden? (Insight bk Vol 2 pg 367)
What is possibly 1,656 years after the creation of Adam?
When did Adam give his wife the name Eve? (Gen 3:17-24 Insight bk Vol 1 pg 772)
What is after their violation for God's law before driving them out of the garden of Eden?
Name the four rivers of the Garden of Eden. (Gen 2:10-14)
What is Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates?
How many grandsons did Noah and his wife have? (Gen 10:2-22)
What is 16?
What type of math was calculated in the city of Ur? (Insight bk Vol 2 pg 1142)
What is multiplication and division tables and square and cube roots?
From which of Noah's sons did Abram descend from? (Gen chapter 11)
What is Shem?
Name the first covenant spoken of in the Bible. (Insight bk vol 1 pg 521)
What is the Edenic Promise?