How long was Jonah in the fish?
3 days and 3 nights
Who was Amos?
A prophet, during the reign of King Jeroboam
Why is singing important in our worship to Jehovah?
It enables us to express praise and love for Jehovah.
Which Bible text explains either:
How bad associations affects one
Why good association is important
"Bad associations spoil useful habits."
"As iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens his friend."
How old do we believe the Earth is?
A.) Thousands of years old
B.) Billions of years old
B.) Billions of years old!
Who took care of Ester?
How were they related to her?
Her cousin, Mordecai.
Which one of David's wive's had a previous husband who was dumb and didn't want to give David and his men food?
Hint: Husband is Na'bal
Which Bible story was about men going into battle with singers, praising Jehovah?
King Jehoshaphat, when Moab and Ammon came against the 2 tribe kingdom.
Say your favorite Bible text by memory!
"For, I well know the thoughts I am thinking towards you, thoughts of peace and not of calamity..."
Name 2 JW dramas/movies title!
1.Remember the Wife of Lot
2.What Is True Love?
3."Hope for What We Do Not See"
4.The Prodigal Returns
When Jacob was contending with an angel...what was he fighting for?
A blessing!
What was Aaron's title at the tabernacle?
He was high-priest!
Which Kingdom Song is based off of Exodus 15:20; when the Egyptians we're hurled into the sea?
(Not an original song)
Victory Song 149
What Bible texts shows it is unwise to trust your heart?
“The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate." Jeremiah 17:9
"..out of the heart come wicked reasonings: murders, adulteries.." Matthew 15:19
What does Jehovah's name mean?
"I Will Become What I Choose to Become"
How many wives did Solomon have?
How many concubines did he have?
Wives= 700
Concubines= 300
What we're the 2 different dreams Pharaoh had about the famine?
7 skinny cows, 7 fat cows
7 ripe grain, 7 think grain
What was happening in Exodus 32:18: “It is not the sound of singing over a victory,*And it is not the sound of wailing over a defeat; I hear the sound of another kind of singing.” (Moses said this)
Israelites made a golden calf :(
What Bible text shows that praying is vitally important?
"..but in everything by prayer and supplication..."
"Hanʹnah was extremely bitter, and she began to pray to Jehovah"
We're the 6 days of creation literal 24-hour days?
No, the word "day" in the Bible can refer to a longer length of time!
No, 2 Kings 2:11 "..Elijah ascended to the heavens in the windstorm." Elijah was carried up by the windstorm into the physical heavens!
Who was Abraham's father?
What's the title of the newest original JW song?
We won't stop now!
What Bible texts show that nothing can be hidden from Jehovah?
"The One who formed the eye can he not see?"
"Even the darkness would not be too dark for you.."
What does Satan mean?
What does the name Devil mean?
Satan= Resister
Devil= Slanderer