I'm made of H2O, traversing me can be hazardous and I swallowed a lot of people.
What is the Red Sea
What is the shortest book in the Christian Greek Scriptures?
What is 2 John
Who can find a capable........... (Pr 31:10a)
What is wife
In what year did the headquarters of the Watchtower Society move to Brooklyn?
what is 1909
When did Peter use the first key of the Kingdom of the heavens?
What is 33 C.E
I fell for the wrong woman, was circumcised late and was considered the "most honorable" of my father's house?
Who is Shechem
Matthew was known by what other Name?
What is Levi
I saw all the works that were done under the sun, And look! everything was futile, a chasing after...... (Ecc 1:14)
What is the wind.
It was on December 2, of the year _______ when a small group of anointed brothers started the huge task of translating the Bible
What is 1947
This number was used in few instances as periods of judgment or punishment.
What is 40
I was from the tribe of Benjamin, was a King and I had a love/hate relationship with my successor?
Who is King Saul
Methuselah was the longest living man, who was the second longest living man?
Who is Jared
For we all stumble many times. if anyone does not stumble in word, he is a........... (James 3:2)
What is a perfect man.
To the delight of thousands of children the publication " My book of Bible Stories" was released in what year?
What is 1978
What is the " sealing" referred to at Revelation 7:3?
What is when the anointed ones confirm their loyalty
My father was the King when I was violated by a family member and my brother avenged my honor.
Who is Tamar
Who is the first person in the Bible record to be quoted as using the title "Jehovah of armies"
Who is Hannah
However, you I will not exterminate. I will discipline you to the........ (Jer 30:11)
What is proper degree
The release of the magazine entitle "Awake" replace the "Consolation" in what year?
What is 1946
As recorded at Matthew 24:45-47, when does Jesus appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings?
What is During the Great Tribulation.
My father was a priest, i met my husband at a well and my husband led Israel out of Egypt
Who is Zipporah
Where did Jesus die?
What is Golgotha
Beloved ones, if this is how God Loved us, then we are also under obligation to............. (1John 4:11)
What is love one another.
The change to the name Jehovah's Witnesses was adopted in what year?
What is 1931
When will the Great Tribulation begin?
What is When the United Nations attack Babylon the Great.