JW music
What’s that scripture
Bible character
Last days
Jesus life on earth

“I wanna know what I can do, I wanna give what I can give”

What is: best life ever


“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”

What is: John 3:16


______ was thrown into the lions pit.

Who is: daniel


What are some of the bible prophecies that would happen in the last days (name at least 3 events) example: men will be lovers of themselves...

What is: men lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to it’s power -2 Tim 3:1-5


Jesus was Baptized in__________

What is: the Jordan river 


“Then never doubt he’ll give the strength you need”

What is: song 38 He will make you strong


“He will crush your head and you will strike him in the heel.”

What is: genesis 3:15


The angel ___ gave information to Daniel.

Who is: Gabriel


Jesus said only 1 person knew when Armageddon is coming

Who is: Jehovah 


He received 30 piece of silver to give up Jesus 

Who is: Judas iscariot


“So have faith, and do not wonder, for our god can make us stand.”

What is: Song 151 He will Call


“Now the works of the flesh are plainly seen, and they are sexual immorality, uncleanliness, brazen conduct, idolatry, spiritism, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, dissensions, divisions, sects, envy, drunkenness, wild parties”

What is: Galatians 5:19-21


This king diverted the Euphrates river, causing the waters to recede, thus gaining access to the city through its gates, which have been left open. As foretold, mighty Babylon fell “suddenly” in one night. -Isaiah 45:1-3

Who is: Cyrus 


Pronouncing “peace and security”

Who is: The United Nations 


Jesus first miracle

What is: water into wine


“So Jehovah, please instill in us a heart that won’t forget.”

What is: Song 3 Our strength, our hope, our confidence 


“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time,”

What is: 1 peter 5:6


At 8 years old became king, and was the last good king

Who is: Josiah 


The event right before Armageddon 

What is: the gathering of the last of the anointed? 


Jesus is rejected from his hometown

What is: Nazareth 


“It could be excessive, with many dangers there, all the kinds of things that could prove to be a snare”

What is: I keep your reminders


“But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And he reads His law in an undertone day and night.”

What is: psalms 1:2


A boy was sitting next to a window, listing to Paul giving a talk. The boy fell asleep and fell three stories out the window.

Who is: Eu’ty chus


.. Babylon the great will be completely burnt with fire by the “wild beast” with “ten horns”,  (The bible also refers it to).

Who is: the United nations


The area where jesus fed 5000 men

What is: Sea of Galilee ( more towards NE side )