In this modern drama, we follow one of two brothers who made choices that ultimately drew him away from Jehovah
What is the Prodigal Returns?
When a service group would meet at a publisher's home to study a bible publication
What is a book study?
Sing the first verse of Jehovah is Your Name
The living and true God—
The God of all creation
In ev’ry generation—
Jehovah is your name.
We’re honored and we’re proud
To be your congregation.
In ev’ry tribe and nation,
Your glory we proclaim.
Finish the poem!
Despite the trials he endured,
To serve Jehovah, Job would still try
Even though his wife told him...
What is "Curse God and die!"
In the Bible the term "fools" refer to these people.
What are those who reject reason and live their lives outside of harmony with Jehovah's standards?
A modern drama where two sisters demonstrated the results of marrying in the Lord and choosing not to
What is "What is True Love?"
A radio station used to effectively spread the kingdom message through bible lectures, music, and bible drama reenactments
What is WBBR?
Finish the lyric! (From We can't wait to meet you)
I will show you right from wrong.
And when we don’t seem to get along...
...I’ll try to be the big sister
You can trust.
Fill in the blank
Roses are red, violets are blue
This (blank) has many, the other has few.
What is road?
This is how Jehovah wants us to treat animals.
What is Jehivah expects us to take care of the animals and not mistreat them.
A bible drama that follows two families as they flee Jerusalem to live in a foreign land
What is "Walk by Faith, Not by Sight"?
A book used to study with interested ones before replaced with the bible teach book
What is the "Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life" book? (a.k.a Knowledge Book)
Finish the lyric! (From Pause and Reset)
As we see the bigger picture beyond the trials we face...
...You and I can endure as our hearts are assured of Jehovah’s warm embrace.
We amount to ten in all.
When with God's people, the Egyptians were messin',
God made use of all of us to teach those bullies a lesson!
What are the ten plagues?
The expression "Jah" is often used in the Bible for this reason.
The expression Jah which is a shortened form of Jehovah is often linked with praise, song, and strong emotions that stem from appreciation for Jehovah. There are many instances in the Bible where these feelings are conveyed, thus making Jah a fitting expression.
A bible drama re-enacting the results of Israel's complaining spirit against Moses
What is "Respect Jehovah's Authority"?
A brief written presentation given to the householder to read
What is a Testimony Card?
Sing the chorus of Together we are Strong
Together, united, together we belong.
Together, united, together we are strong.
Together, united, as one we carry on.
Side by side and hand in hand, together, together we are strong.
A faithful man fell in love with her,
Which later, he'd live to regret,
For due to all her pressure and nagging
His covenant with Jehovah, he'd forget.
Who is Delilah?
"Winged birds" bring praise to Jehovah in this way.
What is by means of their intelligent design?
A bible drama that shows how Jehovah's promises always come true
What is "Not One Word has Failed"?
An innovative combination of moving pictures, sound recordings, and colored glass slides
What is the Photo Drama of Creation?
Sing the chorus of I am in Your Hands
Shaping me into something new,
Something that brings praise to you,
Someone who brings a smile to your face.
Mold me with your loving care.
Help me to draw close in prayer.
My Father, here I am!
I am in your hands.
I am in your hands.
Make up your own rhyme about a Bible character and have your teammates guess who it is.
Psalm 116:15 says: "Costly in the eyes of Jehovah Is the death of his loyal ones." The "loyal ones" refer to these people.
What are all of Jehovah’s worshippers?