How many hours do pioneers have to get in a year?
840 Hrs
What was Jesus' occupation?
Who first wrote the bible?
Where does this phrase come in the bible?
“I am Jehovah, that is my name.”
Isaiah 42:8
Who is this illustration referring to?
"Like flowers cut from a plant, they slowly began to wither and die. Their children also suffered from the curse of sin."
Adam and Eve
How old should you be to apply for bethel?
19 years old
How old was Jesus when he went to the temple and was talking with others about the bible?
12 years old
What was the bible written on in the beginning?
Rock, Clay Tablets and Sheepskin
What year did Jehovah's people get the name "Jehovah's Witnesses?"
What three things do we need to when using an illustration?
(1) Make sure that the illustration is appropriate to the point you are discussing. (2) Use an illustration that your audience can easily relate to. (3) Make the application of the illustration clear.
What is the retiring/age limit for circuit overseers?
70 years old
What does Mary do when Jesus is 40 days old, why?
40 days after giving birth to a son, a mother is needed to give a purification offering at the temple. So Mary went to the temple.
Who first translated the bible into Tamil?
Peter Persevel
How is Jehovah a good example of endurance?
He is waiting for so long to destroy Satan and rule this world. He is enduring even though many of his faithful servants have and are being tortured.
In this illustration what does the fuel represent?
Suppose a friend picks you up to go on a road trip. Sitting in the passenger seat, you notice that the fuel sign is on empty. You tell your friend he is almost out of fuel. He says not to worry; there is still about four liters in the tank. But soon, you run out of fuel. Is it worth it to ‘run on empty’ and take a chance on being stranded?
We need to keep a full tank, the fuel being our knowledge of Jehovah.
Which two people work together with the circuit overseer to care for the assembly program?
Assembly overseer and assistant assembly overseer.
What does Jesus' name mean?
Comes from a Hebrew name, Jeshua. It means “Jehovah Is Salvation.”
What is todays daily text about? Say the bible scripture.
Answers may vary
Does Jehovah live in one place or in many?
He stays only in heaven
What does the food in this illustration refer to?
When we eat, we can control what we put in our mouth. But once we swallow the food, automatic processes take over and the nutrients in the food eventually become part of our bodies. A good diet can make us healthier; a poor diet will make us unhealthy. The results might not be seen overnight, but they will be seen in time.
Who appoints field missionaries?
The Service Committee of the Governing Body
In Revelation 14:4 it says that the 144,000 anointed ones ruling with Jesus are virgins. What does that mean?
It means that they don't mix their beliefs and practices with “Babylon the Great.” They only serve Jesus.
Approximately how long has it been since the whole bible has been written completely?
2000 years
In the prophecy Ezekial saw of the cherubs what four faces did Ezekial see? What were the qualities related to them?
The lion’s face: courageous justice
The eagle’s face: wisdom
The bull’s face: irresistible power
The mans face: Love
What can this illustration compare to?
Suppose you plan to travel to a different town for an important event. Getting there requires a long journey by bus. At the bus station, you are overwhelmed by crowds of passengers and many buses. But it is good that you know the exact bus that you need to go on. Boarding a bus going anywhere else would mean that you would head in the wrong direction.