NO Homonymous Hemianopisa, personality changes/antisocial behavior, Ataxia, Broca's Aphasia, poor intitation
What are dysfunctions in the Frontal lobe?
Bradykinesia, resting tremors, rigidity (Leadpipe, Cogwheel), Athetosis, Chorea
What are dysfunctions of the Basal Ganglia?
Frontal and Basal Ganglia
What is the Anterior Cerebral Artery?
Dip/wrap, dip/immersion, and paint
What are Paraffin methods of application?
Absence (petit mal), Myoclonic, Atonic, Tonic-Clonic (grand mal)
What are the classifications of seziures?
Apraxia AND Anosognosia, Wernicke's Aphasia, Homonymous visual deficits
What are dysfunctions in the Parietal lobe?
Pain Syndrome, altered relay of sensory information, Pusher's Syndrome
What are dysfunctions of the Thalamus?
Parietal and Temporal Lobe
What is the Middle Cerebral Artery?
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
What does LASER stand for?
CN VII (facial nerve), unilateral droop of face, 3-4 weeks acute, 3-4 month recovery, full recovery expected, woman>men, SENSATION NORMAL
What is Bells Palsy?
Visual deficit, homonymous hemianopisa, agnosia, cortical blindness, impaired extra-ocular movement
What are dysfunctions of the Occipital Lobe?
Altered basic life functions, poor ANS functioning, altered functioning of anterior pituitary gland, ADH secretions/reproductions, "homeostaisis"
What are dysfunctions of the Hypothalamus?
Occipital Lobe, Thalamus, Hypothalamus
What is the Posterior Cerebral Artery?
Directional, monochromatic, coherent
What are three components of LASER light?
CN V, TICK DOULOUREX, totally debilitating, stabbing/shooting/burning of face, seen w/ MS/facial shingles
What is Trigeminal Neuralgia?
Hearing, memory, Wernicke's Aphasia, Antisocial behaviors ("Fear of Groups")
What are dysfunctions of the Temporal lobe?
Cranial Nerve Palsy, altered respiratory patterns, leads, to death
What are dysfunctions in the Brainstem?
Cerebellum and Brainstem
What is the Vertebral Arteries?
600 nm (red shallow, 1-2 mm), 900 nm (blue, deep, 2-4 mm)
What are special considerations for LASER light?
LMN starts 25 yrs s/p acute attack, new loss of functional abilities, decreased activity tolerance, aerobic capacity concerns, do NOT over strengthen
What is Post-Polio Syndrome?
Ataxia, lack of coordination, intetnion tremors, balance deficits, 3 D's
What are dysfunctions of the Cerebllum?
Dysdiadochkinesia (R.A.M.), Dysmetria, Dysarthria
What are the 3D's on the Cerebellum?
Primary blood supply
What is the Anterior Cerebral Artery?
Functional activity/heat at same time, no contamination of system, Tx time: up to 30 mins
What is Fluidotherapy?
LMN ONLY, CN involvement (starts with eye), proximal to distal (cranial to caudal), life threatening weakness of respiratory muscles
What is Myasthenia Gravis?