Jesus preached to this woman,and is now an example of the first public preaching.
Who is the Samarian Woman at the Well.
This man was given the privilege to name the animals
Who is Adam
Names of the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet
what is Alpha and Omega
This is the smaller sea in the Promised land
What is the Sea of Galilee.
This was the date of Jerusalems destruction
What is 607 B.C.E
what is Sandwich Boards and preaching bags.
This place was named for the light color of its limestone cliffs and summits.
The verb to “to immerse,” or dip under water.
What is be baptized
This was the Capital of Jehovah's People
What is Jerusalem
This is the start of the "Last Days"
What is 1914 C.E
It was in 1884 a small group incorporated this Oraganization.
What is now known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
Who is Obed?
this currency refers to a Greek silver coin, which at that time weighed 3.4 g.
What is the Drachma.
Jesus considered this place "His own city"
What is Capernaum.
Charles Taze Russell and his associates first began to study the Bible together in this year.
What is 1870
this Scripture starts “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them . . . , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.”
What is Matt 28:18,20
This Mans name will most likely be the first one recorded on that symbolic scroll; The Book of Life.
Who is Abel?
This was one of the ingredients of the holy anointing oil, added to oil for massages and body lotions.
What is Myrrh
This trek took 250 miles and 40 years
What is the crossing from Egypt to the Promised Land
It was this year the magazine The Golden Age began publication.
What is 1919
Witnesses stand out as unique with regard to the work, with translating and publishing Bible literature what is the current language count.
what is more than 700 languages.
He causes to become
Who is Jehovah?
It was the famous tree in the middle of a garden.
what is the tree of Good and bad in the garden of eden.
It was on this mount, Jesus commissioned a preaching work that would shape world history.
What is Mount of Olives.
The total number baptized of this year was 296,267
what is the year 2024