Which proclamation will be made by the nations in the end of the last days?
What is the proclamation of peace and security
This video features Caleb being unable to find his airplane in his room. Where he wishes for animals to help him
What is Be Neat and Clean
"They have over them a king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is A-bad'on, but in Greek he has the name A-pol'lyon"(Rev. 9:11) The angel of this abyss mentioned is who
Who is Jesus
This song focuses on our ministry and the importance of it, quoting from 2 Timothy 4:2 even during "favorable times and difficult times"
What is Preach the Word
This older disciple who happened to be resurrected was used by Jehovah by doing good deeds and giving gifts of mercy particularly in behalf of the widow
Who is Tabitha/Dorcas
What did Jesus say would happen during the last days?
What are earthquakes, food shortages, and nation will rise up against nation
This short featured film focuses on Sophia overcoming her fear at school
What is Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold
This is a spirit creature represented as a dragon at Revelation 13:1
Who is Satan
What is A Victory Song
Who is Noah
What does Jehovah expect us to do during the last days?
What is keep preaching
This video shows Caleb struggling to pronounce the name Mephibosheth for his bible reading
What is Jehovah's Name
The stars from this verse,"As for the sacred secret of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands..."(Rev. 1:20) represent what
Who are the anointed elders
This recent original gives us a sense of endurance and braveness as we continue through the last of the last days
What is Give Me Courage
He was used by Jehovah to help lead the Israelites out of Egypt even though, at first shy
Who is Moses
What will happen after the last days?
What is the great tribulation
This song based on Ephesians 6:1-3 features Sophia writing a card thanking her parents for all the things they have done
Be Appreciative
The lion in this verse, "'Look! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.'"(Rev. 5:5) is a name for who?
Who is Jesus
The name of this song references to the beauty of marriage and Jehovah's part in it "letting no man put apart
What is What God has Yoked Together
This prophet was known "continuing growing with Jehovah" even despite bad influences
Who is Samuel
When did the last days start?
After 1914
This latest Caleb and Sophia video includes Caleb and Sophia giving up their time to help and older brother after the meeting
A representation of this power is depicted as a wild beast of scarlet color with seven heads
Who are the league of nations
What is Giving Makes You Happy
This example, mentioned recently in our watchtower, was used by Jehovah to help King David, and even risk his life despite old age
Who is Barzillia