Who said it?
Woman of the bible
The Apostles
They died horrible deaths
Teaching tool box

"Call out at the top of your voice! After all, he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought or he has gone to relieve himself. Or maybe he is asleep and someone needs to wake him up!"


1 Kings 18:27


Her quick thinking helped conceal the spies and saved the lives of her family members by hanging a scarlet colored cord from the window. 



Became completely corrupt. Betrayed Jesus

Judas Iscariot 


Had a violent fall, her blood splattered the wall and was trampled on by the horses. The scavenger dogs practically disposed of her, leaving only the skull, the feet, and the palms of her hands.


1Ki 21:17-26.


Small and effective we use this to generate someone’s interest simply by saying: “I have something I would like to give you. This will direct you to a website that has free information and videos on a variety of subjects."

JW.ORG Contact Cards


"Quick, please, give me some of the red stew that you have there, for I am exhausted!”


Gen 25:30


She patiently waited to marry her love after being cruelly deceived by her father, who tricked him into marrying her sister. She was childless at first, but her prayers were answered and she gave birth to 2 sons.



Jesus turned his back on him, calling him an opposer, or Satan, who was pitting human reasoning against God’s thoughts.


Matt 16:21-23


He got his head stuck in a big tree so that he was left suspended in the air. Joab then took three spikes and drove them through his heart while he was still alive. Then 10 more attendants struck him till death. 


2Sa 18:6-17


Why Study the Bible? and What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?, are what type of tools that we should use regularly?



"Let this be known to you and listen carefully to my words. These people are, in fact, not drunk, as you suppose, for it is the third hour of the day."


Acts 2:14, 15


In defiance of Pharaoh’s decree she refused to kill her baby, and after three months, when he could no longer be concealed in the house, she placed him in an ark of papyrus and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile.


Ex 6:20


His name means "twin". He appears to have been somewhat impetuous in expressing his feelings or in voicing his doubts.



She invited him inside. Exhausted from the battle and the flight, the weary Sisera, decided to take rest inside her tent. She gave Sisera some milk to drink, and he asked her to stand guard. When he had fallen asleep, she stealthily went up to him and drove a tent pin through his temples into the earth.


Judges 4:17-22


Use this brochure to teach the truth to someone who has limited reading ability or who has no literature in his language.

Listen to God and Live Forever


“As surely as Jehovah is living, the man who did this deserves to die!  And he should pay for the lamb four times over, because he did this and showed no compassion.”


2 Sam 12:5,6


Hebrew midwives who, together were commanded by Pharaoh to kill all the Hebrew male babies immediately at birth. Being God-fearing woman, however, and having respect for the sanctity of human life, they preserved the boy babies alive. 

Shiphrah and Puah

Exo 1:15-21


He was the disciple who, at Jesus’ death, received the signal honor of being entrusted with the care of Jesus’ mother.


John 19:26,27


He was hung on a stake he had foolishly prepared for Mordecai, 50 cubits (73 ft) high. After ten of his sons were killed; then they were hung up before the people as a disgrace.


Esther 7:7-10


The two primary publications we study with a bible student to help them progress to baptism and continue growth even after. 

What Can the Bible Teach Us? 

How to Remain in God's Love


Pass throughout the camp and give this command to the people, ‘Get provisions ready, because in three days you will cross the Jordan to go in and take possession of the land that Jehovah your God is giving you to possess.'


Josh 1:11


When the apostle Paul preached to these women, she listened attentively. After being baptized along with her household, she entreated Paul and his companions to stay with her. She sold purple dye or garments and fabrics.


Acts 16:14


He was also known as Nathanael. Jesus had this to say about him; "See, truly an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.”


John 1:47


Had a double-edged sword thrusted into his very fat belly so that “the handle kept going in also after the blade, and the fecal matter began to come out.”

Eglon king of Moab

Judges 3:22


There are 4 series of videos that give a basic introduction about Jehovah's witnesses and what to expect. Name at least 2 of them....

Why study the bible? What happens at a Bible study? What happens at a Kingdom Hall? Jehovah's Witnesses- Who are we?