How old was Joseph when his brothers sold him into slavery?
What is 17. Gen.37:2,3
What animal did Jehovah send the Israelites when they wanted meat in the wilderness?
What is quail. Num. 11:31,32
"May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah you alone are the Most High over all the earth."
What is Psalms 83:18
Who was Melchizedek?
What is King of Salem and Priest to the Most High God. Gen. 14:18
How old was Jesus when he got left behind at the temple?
What is 12 yrs old. Luke 2:41-50
Which animal brought Noah the olive branch?
What is a dove. Gen 8:11
Who was Queen Esther's husband?
Who is King Ahasuerus of Persia. Esther 1:1
How old was the longest living human in the Bible record?
What is 969 years old, Methuselah. Gen 5:27
Which 2 animals did David kill while protecting the sheep?
What is a bear and a lion. 1 Sam. 17:34,35
What king did Nehemiah serve?
King Artaxerxes. Neh 2:1
How old was Josiah when he died?
What is 39 yrs old. 2 Kings 22:1
What animal did Jesus compare to an egg?
What is a scorpion. Luke 11:12
Who abandoned Paul on his first missionary tour?
Who was John Mark. Acts 13:14; compare Acts 12:12
Who is either our current or next circuit overseer?
Br Erickson current
Br Gourlay next
How old was Jacob when he got married?
What is 84 yrs old. Insight book
What did John the Baptist eat in the wilderness?
What is locusts and honey. Mark 1:6
Who was Tabitha?
Who is Dorcas, she was resurrected by Peter, Christian woman from Joppa. Made clothing for others in congregation. Fun fact: she was only woman described with the female version of the word "disciple".