Name that Tune

In conjunction with the preparations for Jehovah’s temple, this extensive staff at the temple in Jerusalem was set aside by David. 

1Ch 23:4, 5

What is  4,000 Levites set aside for musical service by David ?

*Of these, 288 were “trained in song to Jehovah, all experts.” 1Ch 25:7

In this film Caleb was so excited about his new toy "Sparlock, the warrior wizard"
What is Obey Jehovah

“Que la gente sepa que tu nombre es Jehová,que solo tú eres el Altísimo sobre toda la tierra.”

”May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth”

What is Psalms 83:18


This means: "the war of the great day of God the Almighty!"

Significa “guerra del gran día de Dios el Todopoderoso”

What is Armageddon


The year when we entered into the last days and when Satan and his demons were cast down to Earth.
What is 1914

The Bible’s first reference to music is before the Flood. He proved to be the founder of all those who handle the harp and the pipe.”

Who is Jubal?

 “[Jubal] proved to be the founder of all those who handle the harp and the pipe.” This may describe the invention of the first musical instruments or perhaps even the establishment of some kind of musical profession.


Name three of the white board animations

”Think past the drink", "How can I stop the gossip?", "Whats a real friend?", “Video Games, are you really winning?”, “From Sad to Glad”, “What You Should Know  about Sports”, “How Can I Talk To My Parents”, “Who’s in Control-You or Your Devices?”, “How Can I Earn More Freedom?”, “Is it Love or Infatuation?”, “Stand up to Peer Pressure”, 


(Finish this scripture) "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for..."

(como termina la escritura) “Toda la Escritura está inspirada por Dios y es útil para...”

What is "teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16

”enseñar, para censurar, para rectificar las cosas y para educar de acuerdo con lo que está bien” 2 Timoteo 3:16

A Canaanite god regarded as the owner of the sky and giver of rains and fertility.
What is Baal
The year when we first got the name "Jehovah's Witnesses"
What is 1931

En la visión de Juan, ¿qué utiliza el ángel para atar a Satanás?

 “Una gran cadena”

Family struggles with material things, prosperity and family influences. 
What is Remember Lot's Wife

Recite James 4:8 word for word

What is "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands you sinners and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones"

”Acérquense a Dios y él se acercará a ustedes. Límpiense las manos, pecadores, y purifiquen su corazón, indecisos.”

A special servant unable to shave their head
What is "Nazareo"?
The three Bethel Complexes and what is done at each 
What is 

1. Walkill, world wide headquarters. 

2. Warwick, video production.

3. Patterson, literature production.


Cuando un escriba le dijo a Jesús que iría a cualquier lugar adonde fuera él, ¿qué le respondió Jesús para indicar que quienes lo siguen pasarán dificultades?

 “El Hijo del hombre no tiene donde recostar la cabeza”

Andre was a track runner, but he had to choose...between serving Jehovah or running.
What is "What will I do with my Life?"

(Finish this scripture): "Through one man sin..."

(Termina la escritura): “Así pues, por medio de un solo hombre...”

What is: "Entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned." Romans 5:12

”el pecado entró en el mundo y por medio del pecado entró la muerte, y así fue como la muerte se extendió a todos los hombres, porque todos habían pecado” Romanos 5:12

The current state of affairs that distinguish a certain period of time.
What is System of things
The committees that compose the faithful and discreet slave
What is Comite de Coodinadores, Comite de Personal, Comite de Publicacion, Comite de Servicio, Comite de ensenanza, Comite de redacion

¿Cuántos hijos tuvo Jesé, y qué lugar ocupaba David entre ellos?

Ocho; el menor

Liza and Megan are friends who dream to find (blank)
What is "True Love"

The four Gospel books of the bible.

Los cuatro libros del evangelios de la Biblia 

What is Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Mateo, Marcos, Lucas, Juan 

Monetary form of currency in Jesus' time

What is drachma
How many schools are available to prepare publishers? 

*Bonus: Name them all


Escuela del Ministerio Teocratico, Escuela para ancianos de congregacion, Escuela del servicio de precursor, Escuela de nuevos betelitas, Eascuela para evangelizadores del reino, Escuela biblica de galaad, Escuela del ministerio del reino, Escuela para superintendentes viajantes y sus esposas, Escuela para miembros de comites de sucursal y sus esposas.