1. When Abraham purchased the cave of Machpelah from Ephron the Hittite for 400 silver shekels, he intended to use it as this [2 words]
(Genesis 23:17, 19, 20)
Who has the loudest laugh?
"Wen mi did a wori - wori op myself bout uol iip a tingz, yu osh mi an kaam mi aat."
Coalition of nations
Some of the governing body committee
Teaching, Writing, Service, publishing, Coordinators and Personnel ..
1. At this site David’s men twice struck down giant Philistine warriors (2 Samuel 21:18, 19)
1. GOB
Who always say "no fuss"
Michael Green
"Evriting we unu a wori an fret bout, gi it tu im, kaaz im kier bout unu"
1Pitta 5:7
King of the North
Russia and its allies
Gideon used this to make sure that Jehovah would keep his promise to save Israel by means of him (Judges 6:36-40)
Who love comment on pictures?
Florine Beckford
"Wi lov wan aneda kaaz Gad lov wi fos."
Babylon the Great
World empire of false religion
A town from which Joshua expelled the giant Anakim - Four letters (Joshua 11:21)
Two persons who always a give joke?
Senior and Emet
Last days
Final days of this system
Job likened the sayings of his false comforters to proverbs of these (Job 13:12)
Who call them wife "mi life"
Gary Williams
"Nobadi kyaahn sorv tuu maasta…."
Matyu 6:24
All 7 of the Governing body members that are still alive
What is Stephen Lett, Samuel Herd, David Splane Garrett Losch, Geoffery Jackson, Anthony Morris, Mark Sanderson, Kenneth Cook Jnr