Was "small in stature, he could not see over the crowd"
locusts and wild honey
John the Baptist (Matthew 3:4)
God commanded the Israelites to put THIS on the edges on the skirts of their garments
Fringes (Nu 15:38-41)
Jesus told them privately: "Happy are <WHAT?> that see the things you are seeing."
the eyes (Luke 10:23)
In this year of goodwill
by our God, all need to hear
That the day of his anger
will come, and it is near.
It means their life, but not just theirs;
It means our own life as well. (Song 60)
Was 9 and a half feet tall
ravens were bringing him bread and meat
E·liʹjah the Tishʹbite (1 Kings 17:6)
put on the four extremities of their clothing
Tassels (De 22:12)
Happy are the <WHAT?>, since they will inherit the earth.
mild-tempered (Matthew 5:5)
Ev’ry newborn child, Ev’ry drop of rain,
Ev’ry golden ray of sun, Each head of grain—
All are gifts from God; They reveal his way.
Miracles performed by him sustain us each day.
So, what are we to do with a gift so rare
But to love the One who gave it and show him we care.
(Song 141)
They were numerous and tall
the Anʹa·kim (Numbers 13:28)
The Passover
Unleven bread
seems to have been tied around the waist to cover part of the body for a distance below the waist.
An Apron
Happy are <???> who find their strength in you
the men who find their strength in you (Psalm 84:5)
Jehovah knows just what we need
To bring us joy and to succeed.
So he provides so many ways
In which to serve and spend our days.
Reaching out, giving all,
for our God above.
And where the need is great, there we’ll be,
reaching out in love. (Song 84)
There were seven skinny and bad <WHAT?> that came up after them
Cows! (Gen 41:27)
Before the flood
Did not eat meat
convenience for holding sheathed daggers or swords, money, the inkhorn of the secretary, and so forth
A belt or girdle (Jg 3:16; 2Sa 20:8; Eze 9:3)
Happy are <WHAT?>, because the Reign of Heaven is theirs.
the poor at heart (Matthew 5:3)
Because we are imperfect, O Jehovah,
The inclination of our heart is flawed.
There is a sin that easily ensnares us
A lack of faith in you, the living God.
Give us more faith, we beg of you, Jehovah.
Please help us out according to our need. (Song 118)
Refused to eat unclean animals, and ones that might not have been bled properly.
Daniel and his Hebrew companions
A sash or girdle worn by a bride on her wedding day. It marked her status as a married woman.
A Breastband
look! days are coming when people will say, ‘Happy are the . . . .
the barren women (Luke 23:29)
The living God, Jehovah, you have proved to be;
Your mighty works abound
in earth and sky and sea.
No rival god can equal what you have done
—there is none.
Our foes will be consumed.
Jehovah provides escape for the loyal.
His servants will see what a mighty Crag is he.
(Song 148)