Who listened to Jehovah by building an ark before the "great flood" occurred?
"This is the way to life, this is the way... ____________.
..."Don't look aside, not for a moment stray, God's voice is calling this is the way"...
What does Jehovah's name mean?
"He Causes to Become" - Genesis 2:4
What is the title of our new interactive Bible-study book?
"Enjoy Life Forever!"
"Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because _______________. -1 John 4:8
"God is Love".
Who defeated a "tall giant" and what was the "tall giant" called?
David and Goliath
"With Jesus' blood he bought you, to God you now belong, so He will ______________.
"So He will make you firm and He will make you strong"
Who were Jesus' 3 friends? Which friend did he resurrect?
Lazarus, Martha, and Mary..... Lazarus was resurrected.
What is the name of the new brochure/book used to help us in the ministry? (Hint: It's trending in the "What's New" column).
"Love People-Make Disciples"
"Go, therefore, and make ______ of people of all the _______.”—MATT. 28:19
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations.”
Who was thrown into a "lion's pit" for their faith in Jehovah?
"Sing to Jehovah with all your heart, serve him through all your days, no greater joy could there be than this ____________".
"No matter what we face, always rejoice, always rejoice, always rejoice, always rejoice"!!!
What year did Jesus become king over God's Kingdom in heaven?
Besides JW Library, what's another JW app we use?
1. JW Language, NW Publisher, JW Sign Language
"And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. _________".- Rev. 21:4
"The former things have passed".
Who was Abraham willing to sacrifice for Jehovah when put to the test?
"Why should I fear the lion? ...Why should I fear any foe?.... With Jehovah by my side, ___________."
"I will not run and hide, my God is with me, this I know... with eyes of faith I see beyond the darkness, with eyes of faith there's nothing more to fear".
What is one way Satan tested Jesus?
Insisted that Jesus should turn stone into bread to prove he is really God's son.
Challenged Jesus to jump off the highest temple, and insisted that God would send His angels to catch Jesus.
Showed Jesus kingdoms of the world, claiming that this could all belong to Jesus if he chose to worship Satan.
How many books are in the Bible?
"You must pray this way, then, this way: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your ___________. Let your ____________."-Matt. 6:9
"Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth."
Which daughter-in-law chose to stay with Naomi?
"Love never fails that's promised... it always will endure... __________".
"Love, unfailing love... that's what Jehovah gives, that's what He is, love, unfailing love, that's what we need to live".
No matter how many times Jehovah saved and forgave them, what group of people continuously did what was good but also what was bad in His eyes?
The Israelites
How many original songs do we have? (Closest guess gets the points)
"We know that we originate with God, but _________________________".-1 John 5:19
"the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one".