Enjoy Life Forever
The Books of Kings

What is this creature? Why is it special? (Answer one or both) (0:08-2:00)

Eastern Monarch Butterfly; It flies over 1,200 miles from Mexico to the northeastern United States. It has a solar compass built-in. It is resilient and strong.


What is the opposite of humility?



In STUDY ARTICLE 32, Young Ones—Continue to Make Progress After Baptism, 

What must young ones be ready to defend themselves against according to this picture?

Evolution Theory; (or any other theory that requires them to defend their faith).


In lesson one, "How Can the Bible Help You?", which biblical example is pictured here?

Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch.


According to 1 Kings 18:21-40, the Israelites were told to choose between who? (Look at the picture)

Jehovah and Baal.


What is this creature? What keeps this creature cool? (Answer one or both) (2:50-3:53)

Silver Ant; Triangular tubule, silver hairs reflect and dissipate heat temperatures up to 159F or 70C.


Fill in the blanks.

“Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with ________ consider others superior to you, as you look out not only for your own _________, but also for the _________ of others.”—Philippians 2:3, 4. (Answer one or both)

Humility; interests.


 In STUDY ARTICLE 33, "Jehovah Watches Over His People", which Bible example is good for us when we feel lonely? (Look at picture)

The example of Elijah the prophet.


In lesson three, "Can You Trust the Bible?", what is this a modern picture of?



According to 2 Kings 2:8, who was Elijah training in this picture?



What is this creature? What helps this creature to develop its light organ? (Answer one or both) (1:12-2:24)

Bobtail Squid; It cannot develop light on its own without the help of bacteria that enter its light organ.


Because of her humility, this humble woman was allowed a great privilege. Who is she and what was her privilege? (Answer one or both)

Mary; the privilege of birthing and raising the messiah or christ who is God's son.


From STUDY ARTICLE 39, Which book is shown in this picture?

The Book of Life.


In lesson 6, "How Did Life Begin?", what scripture is this picture referring to? 

Hebrews 3:4,

"Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God."


According to 2 Kings 4:32-37, whose son was resurrected by Jehovah through Elisha? (look at the pictured)

The Shunammite Woman.


What is this creature? What amazing thing happens to its brain? (Answer one or both) (0:07-2:00)

Arctic Ground Squirrel; The neurons in the brain regenerate by shaking off clumps of protein build-up.


Which Kings of Judah were shown mercy (one from prison and one from calamity) during their reign because of their humility before Jehovah? (Answer one or both)

King Manasseh and King Josiah.


In STUDY ARTICLE 44, what are the two things that hope is pictured as and why? (Answer one or both) (look at picture)

Hope is pictured as a helmet and anchor because it keeps us stable and protects us.


According to lesson 16, "What Did Jesus Do While on Earth?", who is this woman with Jesus? 

Woman with the flow of blood.


According to 2 Kings 6:13-19, which army is actually surrounded by Jehovah's invisible spirit forces? (look at the picture)

The Syrian army.


What are the five main flavors, but what helps our sense of taste to taste over 100,000 different flavors? (Answer one or both) (2:04-3:04)

Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and savory (or umami). Sense of smell, chewing, and the back of the throat combine to make the flavors.


Which King of Judah allowed his pride to get the better of him which caused him to die a leper? (2 Ch. 26:16-21)

King Uzziah


According to STUDY ARTICLE 36, what scripture is this picture referring to? 

Isaiah 48:18,

"If only you would pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea."


According to lesson 23, "Baptism—A Worthwhile Goal!", what must we do first before we get baptized?(Look at the picture)

Make a personal dedication to Jehovah in prayer.


According to 2 kings 9:22-33, who is the one that Jehovah chooses to eliminate wicked King Ahab's house, and who is being thrown down? (Answer one or both) (look at the picture)

King Jehu; Queen Jezebel.