Who am I
Bible question
Finish the Bible quote
History Facts

My husband was wealthy yet senseless; as for me, I was beautiful and discreet.

Who is Abigail. ( 1 Samuel 25:2,3; w03 8/15 p. 4)


Who was Solomon's mother?

Who is Bath-Sheba. ( 2 Samuel 12:24)


At that he was moved with pity, and he stretched out his hand and touched him, said to him: I want to! 

Be made clean. ( Mark 1:41)


Who became the first uncircumcised Gentile to become a Christian disciple?

Who is Cornelius. (Acts 10:1-48; bt-E of 56 box)


Who foretold that Sisera would be killed by a woman?

Who is Deborah? ( Judge 4:4,9)


I was a mountain climber, there was a dispute over my body and it did not become a shrine.

Who is Moses? (Exodus 24:12-18; it-2 p 439 par. 3; Jude 9)


On which creative day did God create man?

The sixth day. (Genesis 1:26, 31)


For all things I have the strength  through the one who...

gives me power. (Philippians 4:13)


In what year did the Abrahamic covenant  go into effect?

What is 1943 B.C.E ( w08 1/15 pgs 20_24 paragraph 3)


It was on December 2, of the year_______, when a small group of anointed brothers started the huge task of translating the Bible?

What is 1947. ( kr-E pg. 39 paragraph  11)


My prophecy is recorded in the book of Jude, although,  I'm seventh in line from Adam.

Who is Enoch. ( Jude 14)


How many books are there in the Old Testament?

Thirty-nine (it-1 p.308 paragraph  3)


Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what...

You yourselves are. (2 Corinthians 13:5a)


The New Covenant is an agreement between which two parties?

Jehovah & Spiritual Israel ( w14 10/15 pg. 12)


The term colporteur applies to one who now serves as a ______

Who is a Pioneer. (W12 5/15, page 31 paragraph  10)


Though I lived in Elkosh, I prophesied against Nineveh

Who is Nahum. (Nahum 1:1)


Which two old testament characters appeared with Jesus at the transfiguration?

Who are Elijah and Moses. ( Matthew 17:1-4)


Then he said to his disciples; "Yes, the harvest is great, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out...

Workers into his harvest. (Matthew 9:37, 38)


In what year did democratic elections in the congregation end?

1938 (kr-E ph 123)


One of the largest conventions ever organized by Jehovah's Witnesses in 1950 (The Theocracy's Increase Assembly) was held in what location?

What is Bronx, NY Yankee Stadium (jv chap. 8 pg. 99 paragraph 1)


I was promised to Abraham and his seed, also k own as the Promise Land and have several mountains on me.

What is Palestine.

(It-2 p. 568 paragraph  10; 569 paragraph  4)


Daily double- What are the five different names Peter is called in the Bible?

Simon, Peter, The combination of Simon Peter, Cephas & Symeon.

( Matthew 10:2; 16:16; John 1:42; Acts 15:14)


Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us. Then we are also under obligation to....

Love one another. 1 John 4:11


Daily Double- The earthly part of the organization includes (six parts)Give at least one answer.

1. The Governing body,  2. Branch Committees, 3. Traveling Overseers  4. Bodies of elders, 5. Congregation, 6. Individual Witnesses.


In which city did Paul meet Timothy?

What is Lystra (Acts 16;1-3)