A Kohathite Levite of the family of Izhar, During Israel’s wilderness trek he rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron, doing so in league with the Reubenites Dathan, Abiram, and On, as well as 250 “chieftains of the assembly” or “men of fame.”
Who is Korah?
Israel was split in 12 of these.
What are Tribes?
All he needed was 300 men.
Who is Judge Gideon?
When Joshua sent two spies into Canaan, she hid them and misdirected their enemies. Because of her acts of faith and courage, she and her household were spared when the city of Jericho fell to the Israelites.
Who is Rahab?
The chief enemy of God, he actually challenged the rightfulness and righteousness of Jehovah’s sovereignty.
Who is Satan?
This son of Israel received a double portion of land in the promised land.
Who is Joseph?
607 B.C.E.
When was Judah's Desolation?
HE vowed to God that whoever came out of the house first to greet him would be dedicated to him, and he upheld that promise, even though the person turned out to be his only daughter.
Who is Judge Jephthah?
When she met David, she spoke courageously, respectfully, and persuasively. Even though she was not to blame for the bad situation, she apologized to David. She appealed to his good qualities and relied on Jehovah to help her.
Who is Abigail?
Because of this persistent hatred, during the period of the kings Jehovah ‘called to account’ this nation, commanding King Saul to strike them down, which he did “from Havilah as far as Shur, which is in front of Egypt.” Their King was Hacked to piece by Samuel.
Who are the Amalekites?
This the name of the place where Jacob received the name Israel.
What is Peniel or Penuel?
What year did we receive the name Jehovah's Witnesses
Responsible for the death of Eglon, he was also ambidextrous.
Who is Judge Ehud?
This Moabite widow refused to leave her Mother in laws side, showing true loyal love. She was blessed for this decision, even becoming one of the ancestors of the Christ.
Who is Ruth?
The World Empire of False Religion.
Who is Babylon the Great?
for 40 years that vast camp of Israel wandered about in this Peninsula.
What is the Sinai Peninsula?
1513 B.C.E.
When was The exodus from Egypt?
A cattle goad was all he needed to take down 600 Phi·lisʹtine men.
Who is Shamʹgar?
Although she was a new believer, she took the initiative to show hospitality to Paul and his companions. As a result, she has the privilege of enjoying the company of these disciples. After Paul and Silas are released from prison, where do they go? Right back to her home.
Bonus: She is a Seller of Purple
Who is Lydia?
The wild beast” out of the sea, which “was like a leopard, but its feet were like those of a bear, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great authority.”
What is the the worldwide political system?
He was the last king to serve over a united Israel.
Who is Rehoboam?
29 C.E.
When was the baptism of Christ?
The first Judge.
Who is Othniel?
She displayed great faith and courage when a genocide plot hatched by wicked Haman imperiled the Jews throughout the Persian Empire in the fifth century B.C.E.
Who is Queen Esther?