Za’Naijah was afraid to talk but now she’s can talk
Who made 7 books of the bible
Where did it say “And he will wipe out every tear from there eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore……
Revelation 21:4
What song says life can be hard when your walking alone living in these last days….
True Friends
He has a great sense of humor and normally asks for a fist bump
Brian Suh
Where was genesis written
What book of the Bible did a woman get thrown from a window
2 Kings
What says We want to love one another…..
Just Like a Child
She is known for her hair
Rachel Greer
Who made Revelation
Apostle John
What says “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10
What says in this world it’s hard to find a friend
Jehovah’s Family
He has great sense of humor and has been out with one who is close to us
Zaire Pouncil
Who made judges
(Bonus Points 200 more) What says “So Jehovah scattered them from there over the entire face of the earth, and they gradually left off building the city.”
Genesis 11:8
What says when you were younger life seemed so simple….
Use Your Strength for Jehovah’s Name
He normally is very strait forward but can also be funny at times
Brother Barry
When was Ruth made
Who was the first man to die on earth
What is the Russian song called
Jehovah is With You