How many books make up the Hebrew-Aramaic scriptures?
What is 39? (Bible - Books)
Current Congregation Bible Study publication
What is Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life? (Books)
The latest monthly program is in which two locations?
From Our Studio and Programs and Events
Initial Call - Question? Scripture? Link?
Q: What is God's name?
Scripture: Psalm 83:18
Link: How do we know that Jehovah God wants us to become his friends?
These books are in the Teaching Toolbox
What are "How to Remain in God's Love" and "What Can the Bible Teach Us?"
How many book make up the Christian Greek scriptures?
What is 27? (Bible - Books)
1 Timothy 4:13 is the theme of which new brochure?
What is Apply Yourself to Reading and Teaching? (Brochures and Booklets)
Children > Whiteboard Animations
"His servants will see what a mighty Crag is he." - What song?
Song 148 - Jehovah Provides Escape
This brochure is designed to take a few minutes each week to familiarize the student with us, our activities, and organization
Who Are Doing Jehovah's Will Today?
How many times is Jehovah's name found within the Christian Greek Scriptures?
What is 237? (Appendix A5 - Paragraph 2)
This magazine honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom.
What is The Watchtower-Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom?
How many Tools for the Ministry videos are there?
12 (Our Meetings and Ministry > Tools for the Ministry)
Why did Paul call himself a Pharisee?
Paul's statement could be understood in a relative sense. He identified himself with the Pharisees who also believed in the resurrection, hoping some members of the Sanhedrin would sympathize with his argument. He also established common ground, and referencing his heritage with them.
Identify the Five Videos in Teaching Toolbox
What Happens at a Bible Study?
What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?
Why Study the Bible?
Why Study the Bible? - Full Length
Who was the writer of the book of Acts of the Apostles and where did he write it?
Who is Luke and where is Rome? (Index, Table of the Books of the Bible)
What is Bible Questions Answered? (Article Series - What Are the Ten Commandments of God? - Paragraph 5)
Listen to this clip and name the song.
Song 126. - Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty
A plot to murder this man was foiled by whom?
Paul's unnamed nephew heard of the plot of conspirators to kill Paul en route to the Sanhedrin and reported it to him and the Roman military commander Claudius Lysias.
Do you think it is...God? humankind? someone else? Which brochure?
Who Really Controls the World?
True or False: Today, no manuscripts of the "New Testament" from the first century C.E. are available for us to examine?
What is true? (Appendix C1 - Paragraph 2)
This is both an article series and book;
Imitate Their Faith
Name the title of this original song.
If You Could See What I See
Share one encouraging experience in the ministry during the past year.
We agree. Nice job.
Use the View the Bible tract to start a conversation with someone who responds, "The Bible, a book of myths and legends."
We agree. Nice job.