These were Jesus human parents
1. What is Joseph and Mary
Number of Disciples
What is 12
This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ
What is John 17:3
1.Born to this tribe
1.What is Judah?
1.These two are things represent Jesus body and blood
1. Bread and Wine
The age Jesus was baptized
1. What is 30yrs old
Number of times Peter disowned Jesus
What is 3 times
For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son...
What is John 3:16
1. Descended from this King
1. What King David
1. The date when Jesus was hung on a stake.
1.Nisan 14
Ask his Disciples to get this animal for him to ride
What is a Donkey
Amount of money Jesus was betrayed for
What is 30 silver pieces
1. Also, he took a loaf, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying: This means my body...
1.What is Luke 22:19
1. They Cast Lots for
1.What is his garments
The hope of those who partake at the memorial
What is Heavenly Hope
was referred to as son of...
What is Son of David
Approximate age when Jesus died
What is 33 1/2
Jesus answered: My Kingdom is no part of this world.
What is John 18:36
1.He would be buried with... Isaiah 53:9
1.What is the Rich
The time when we no longer will hold the memorial
When the anointed are no longer on Earth
The three ways in which Satan tempted Jesus.
What is (Food)-turn stones into bread (Suicide)-throw yourself down (Offers Kingdoms)-do an act of worship to me
The amount Peter paid for the temple tax
What is Tetradracma
Jesus said to him : Again it is written : You must not put Jehovah your God to the test
Matthew 4:7
1.What he did when he was accused
Isaiah 53:7
1.What is remained silent
The type of bread used at the memorial
What is unfermented bread?