God Begins to Make Things
Men Build A Tower
Lots Wife Looked Back
Jesus is Killed
The End of All Badness
What was the first thing God created?
What is Angels? God first made persons like himself. We can't see these persons just like we can't see him.
Who was Nimrod?
What is great grandson of Noah? Nimrod was a bad man who was Noah's great grandson.
Was Sod'om a good city? (True or False)
What is False? The people living in Sod'om were very bad.
Jesus was nailed to a cross. (True and False)
What is False? It is recorded in the bible that Jesus was nailed to a Stake.
What is a well known text in the bible talking about what is to happen in the last days to signify the start?
What is Matthew 24:7 ,8? "For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress."
Who was the first Angel God created?
What is Jesus? The first Angel God made was very special. He was God's first Son, and he worked with his Father.
Why was Jehovah not pleased with the building work?
What is Scattering and filling the earth? God wanted the people to move out and live all over the earth.
How many daughters did Lot have?
What is 2?
What do the apostles do when Jesus is taken to be killed?
What is Follow? The apostles Peter and John do not go very far away. They followed along to see what was going to happen to Jesus.
What is the name of the God's war with bad people on the earth?
What is Armageddon?
What was the first thing God created to start getting the earth ready for the people and animals?
What is Light? Well, first the Earth needed light. So God made light from the sun to shine on the Earth. He made it so there can be both Daytime and Nighttime.
How did God stop the building of the high tower?
What is different languages? God suddenly caused the people to speak different languages instead of just one. No longer did the builders understand one another.
Did Lot's wife turn into a "pillar of salt" or a "pillar of sand"?
What is a"Pillar of Salt"?
What was on Jesus head?
What is a crown made of thorns?
Why does the bible speak of horses in heaven?
What is past history? It is because once horses were used a lot in fighting wars. So the Bible tells of persons riding horses down from heaven to show that God has a war to fight with other people on earth.
What was the earth like in the beginning before God fixed it for humans to live on it?
What is Volcanoes and disaster? Before the earth had no nighttime or daytime; no ocean of blue sky; no stars or land. The picture on page one shows Lava covering the earth and volcanoes everywhere.
What happened to the people once God changed there languages?
What is Moving? The people no longer understood one another, so they parted ways with a small group of those who spoke the same language as them.
Why did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt?
What is disobedience? God had told them to not look back as Sod'om was destroyed and to keep running, but Lot's wife looked back and she turned to a pillar of salt.
Was Jesus' hands nailed to the stake?
What is Yes?
Who cause the flood?
What is God?
Was there Oxygen on Earth before God fixed it up for humans to live?
What is No? Volcanoes and Lava created smoke that filled the earth and air, so it would be like you were living in a house that was lit on fire.
What was the cities name and what did that name represent?
What is Ba'bel? When no one no longer understood each other, they named the city Ba'bel, or "Babylon", meaning "Confusion".
Why was Sod'om destroyed?
What is evil acts? In the city of Sod'om they did homosexuality, Jehovah says, "If a man lies down with male the same as one lies down with a woman, both of them have a detestable thing. They should be put to death without fail. Their blood is upon them." Leviticus 20:13
What does Peter do after lying about knowing Jesus three time?
What is Weep? Peter feels very sorry for telling these lies, and he goes away and weeps.
What is God's name?
What is Jehovah?