In the “ See Yourself In Paradise” video the dad was practicing his…
What does a real friend do?
Someone who brings out the best in you or someone who is always there for your.( etc)
Who was the first to sin against Jehovah?
Is the movie “ Remember The Wife Of Lot” a 3 parter?
In the “Discipline Is Love “ video the mom used the illustrations of..
There tree
What can drinking Alcohol do to you?
Ruin you reputation, hurt you and (etc)
Witch Bible character was swallowed up by a fish?
In the video “Let’s Go In Service” what was the first thing Sofia put in her bag?
Her Bible
SHow many Whiteboards Animation are there?
What is Samson’s dad’s name?
In the video “ Be Kind And Share” what present did Sofia get?
A paint brush set.
According to The Whiteboard Animation “ How Can I Stop The Gossip” Words can..
Stab like a sword.
Which Bible character was a queen?
In the video “ Forgive Freely” how many mistakes did Caleb make?
In the Whiteboard Animation “ What Should You Know About Sports” what types of sports can ruin your reputation with Jehovah?
Boxing, bull fighting, mixed martial arts( etc)
Which cBible character rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem?