Bible Characters
The Bible

Who was 'Israel's Last Good King'?


2 Chronicles 34:26-28


Name all of the Fruitage of the Spirit.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22,23


What was the name of king Ahasuerus’ queen before Esther?

Queen Vashti

Esther 1:9


For how much/what did Judas betray Jesus?

30 pieces of silver

Matthew 26:15


What is the 'No Blood' card called?

DPA card


What did Aaron's rod grow when Jehovah choose him as priest?

Flowers and ripe almonds

Numbers 17:8


How many chapters are there in the book of Psalms?

There are 150 chapters


What are the names of the husband and wife who lied about donating the full amount of money they received for their field?

Ananias and Sapphira

Acts 5:1,2


When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, how many husbands did He say she had had?

5 husbands

John 4:18


The OD book has been revised in recent years, how many question sections were there before and how many are there now?

You get double points if you know the revised sections titles.

Three; Two

Christian Beliefs, Christian Living 


How did Sisera die?

Jaʹel gives him some milk that makes him sleepy, and as soon as he is fast asleep, she takes a tent pin and drives it into his head.

Judges 4:17-21


Who wrote the book of Ruth?



What was Solomon’s other name, and who gave him the name?

Jedidiah, Jehovah gave him the name by means of the prophet Nathan

2 Samuel 12:25


How many men did Gideon start out with in his army, and how many did he end up with (when Jehovah told him he had too many)?

32,000 men; 300 men

Judges chapters 6 to 8


What is the name of the island where Paul gets shipwrecked on his way to Rome?


Acts 27:44, 28:1


Who saved Paul's life by reporting about the ambush that was being planned against him?

His nephew; the son of his sister

Acts 23:16


Approximately how long did it take all of the scribes to write the Bible?

1,610 years

(No other book took so long to complete as the Bible. In 1513 B.C.E. Moses began Bible writing. Other sacred writings were added to the inspired Scriptures until sometime after 443 B.C.E. when Nehemiah and Malachi completed their books. Then there was a gap in Bible writing for almost 500 years, until the apostle Matthew penned his historic account. Nearly 60 years later John, the last of the apostles, contributed his Gospel and three letters to complete the Bible’s canon. So, all together, a period of some 1,610 years was involved in producing the Bible. All the cowriters were Hebrews and, hence, part of that people “entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God.”—Ro 3:2.) -


How many people named Noah are mentioned in the Bible?

You get double points if you know who they are.

There are two. 

1. Noah, son of Lamech, who built the ark. Genesis 5:28,29

2. Noah, daughter of Zelophehad, who Jehovah decreed should receive her father’s tribal possession as an inheritance along with her sisters. Numbers 26:33


How many wives did David have? 

You get double points if you can name them.

Eight wives

Michal, Ahinoam, Abigail, Maacah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah, Bathsheba

1 Samuel 18:27, 1 Samuel 25:42-44, 1 Samuel 27:3, 2 Samuel 11:27, 1 Chronicles 3:1-4


How many people in the Bible are named Obadiah?


Who struck down/killed the 'man of extraordinary size, with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot' at the war in Gath?

Jonathan the son of Shimea, David's brother

1 Chronicles 20:6,7


What does the word Bible mean?/Where does it come from?

(The English word “Bible” comes through the Latin from the Greek word bi·bliʹa, meaning “little books.” This, in turn, is derived from biʹblos, a word that describes the inner part of the papyrus plant out of which a primitive form of paper was made. The Phoenician city of Gebal, famous for its papyrus trade, was called by the Greeks “Byblos.”) -


What is the name of the king who was dubbed “a very fat man”?

You get double points if you know what kingdom he ruled. 

Eg’lon the king of Mo’ab

Judges 3:17


When Jesus feeds a crowd of people the second time; how much food was available, how many people did he feed, and how much food was left over?

Seven loaves and a few fish, 4,000 men as well as women and young children, seven large baskets full 

Matthew 15:34-38


Name all of the World Powers in the Statue/Diagram foretold by Daniel, from head to toe.

Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo-America