Instead of going to Nineveh he ran away to Tarshish
Who is Jonah?
This young, faithful king served Jehovah "with a complete heart."
Who is Josiah?
"Help us overcome our fear. Give us confidence and courage so that all the world may hear. Armageddon draws ever near, but until that great day is here...."
"Grant us boldness as we witness. This is our prayer."
She risked her life speaking up to a Persian king and that prevented Jehovah's people from being destroyed
Who is Esther?
This "body part" of Jehovah was saddened by mankind's rebellious attitude
What is his heart?
He had to expose David's sin regarding Bathsheba and Uriah
Who is Nathan?
These three young men were willing to die instead of bow down to a golden image of Nebuchadnezzar
Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
"Just as a tree rooted deep by the waters gives of its fruit when each season arrives, if we obey as God's own sons and daughters, we'll all be blessed and enjoy endless lives."
"Listen, obey, and be blessed, when you hear God's will expressed. If you'd be happy and enter his rest, listen, obey, and be blessed."
A seller of purple, this faithful woman in the book of Acts was known for her hospitality
Who is Lydia?
According to Proverbs 2:6, knowledge and discernment come from this "body part" of Jehovah.
What is "his mouth"?
When in exile, Jehovah fed him by ravens.
Who is Elijah?
This unnamed, courageous Israelite girl urged Syrian King Naaman to go see Elisha to cure him of this skin disease
What is leprosy?
"With Jesus' blood he bought you, to God you now belong."
"So he will make you firm, and he will make you strong."
This Moabite woman faithfully followed her Jewish mother-in-law and became a worshipper of Jehovah and also an ancestor of Jesus
Who is Ruth?
According to Zechariah 2:8, when Jehovah's people are under attack it is like the nations are touching this "body part" of Jehovah
He had a vision of Jehovah's celestial chariot
The Apostle Paul told this young man to "become an example to the faithful ones in speaking" and not to "let anyone look down on your youth"
Who is Timothy?
"Rejoice and take pleasure in giving me your all, and though you may stumble, I'll raise you if you fall. No matter who fails you or proves to be untrue, take comfort in knowing I'll always cherish you."
"Beloved song and precious daughter, be wise and make my heart rejoice, that out of your own heart you serve me, and offer praise you your own choice."
The mother and grandmother of Timothy
Who are Lois and Eunice?
This favorite scripture of many says that this "body part" is what Jehovah uses to "fortify" and "help" his people
What is his right hand of righteousness?
He interpreted the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar
Who is Daniel?
This "useful minister" and companion of Paul also wrote a Gospel account of Jesus
Who is Mark?
"Jehovah knows just what we need, to bring us joy and to succeed. So he provides so many ways in which to serve and spend our days."
"Reaching out, giving all, for our God above. And where the need is great, there we'll be, reaching out in love."
This hard working and hospitable woman was "anxious and disturbed about many things".
Who is Martha?
When Jehovah rescued David from his enemies and Saul, according to Psalms 18:8 smoke ascended from this "body part" of Jehovah?
What are "nostrils"?