Men vs Women
Conspiracy Theories
Life Hacks

This visual defect occurs in 1 in 12 men. But only  1 in 200 women

Color blindness


This military base in Nevada is reputed to have the remains of crashed alien spacecraft, including the occupants

Area 51


The leader of this cult claimed he was visited by an angel who told him to dig up some golden plates buried in a hill in upstate New York. He translated the plates and wrote a book that became the cult's ‘bible’

Mormons, Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon, Founded 1830


Need to start your BBQ but the sparker doesn't work and you don’t have long matches.  What do you do?

Use uncooked pasta – spaghetti


Why are all elephants you see in a circus or interacting with people Indian elephants. No African elephants?

Impossible to tame – no one has ever done it


Women hear better than men because they have 11% more of these in the auditory section of the brain



Many of the 9/11 conspiracy theories are based on this assumption about the collapse of the World Trade bldgs

Jets flying into the bldgs cannot cause their collapse.  Controlled demolitions must have been used


This cult was founded by a  science fiction writer who convinced  his followers  that they are immortal alien spiritual beings presently trapped on planet Earth in a "meat body."

Church of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard


Are you yearning for a return to the early days of the internet when searches led to proper scientific answers? This is your search engine!


When playing ‘rock, paper, scissors’, what should you start with if you want to win?

Paper. Most people start with ‘rock’ because it is the most natural shape to form with your hand


Why are more male babies than female babies born with defects (3.9% vs 2.8%)?

Because females have a ‘spare’ x chromosome. This provides a redundancy against some recessive defects on the x chromosome


The flat earth society has a simple explanation for the spherical photos taken of the earth from  space.  What is it?

They're fake. The space agencies of the world are all involved in a conspiracy faking space travel and exploration


Members of the Heavens Gate cult all committed suicide wearing these shoes. The shoe company’s slogan now had a whole new meaning!

Nike. “Just do it”


What can you do very easily to 90% prevent birds from flying into your windows?

Stick up silhouettes of birds of prey


What is that tiny pocket inside front pocket of jeans for?

For a pocket watch.  Been there since the 1st jeans (Levi Strauss) in 1889. 


Women are twice as likely as men to sustain concussions in sports as men. Why?

On avg neck is 30% slimmer. Allows head to move up to 50% faster.  Brain doesn't like that!


Washington State has over 2,000 reported sightings of this. It must be real!



The tragic end of this cult led to the very dark meme...”I drank the cool-aid” referring to the idiom meaning you went along with the company or government plan.

 Jones-town Massacre.  Jim Jones.  Peoples Temple.  Over 900 dead.  (Guyana, 1978). Drank cyanide-poisoned cool aid.      



What can you put on top of a pot of pasta to prevent it from boiling over?

Wooden spoon. When the level hits the top the spoon will pop the bubbles and keep it from overflowing 


When people hear the name  ‘Frankenstein’, why is it strange that they visualize a monster with a brush-cut and electrodes in his neck?

Frankenstein is actually the name of the mad doctor, not the monster he creates


Name this one extreme sport where women have a genetic superiority over men

Ultra marathons. Women tend to outrun men at the 195 mile distance and above


Many people think that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax because of issues with the video and photos taken.  Name two

1. No stars seen

2. Flag moving due to wind

3. No blast craters from landing

4. Photos too good for 1960s


This cult is focused on Armageddon-type biblical time prophecies.  Successive dates have been set for the end of the word from 1874 to 1975. 

Jehovah Witnesses


What handy thing can you use your bag of Doritos chips for when you are camping? (other than eating!)

Starting a fire.  The oil, fat, and mystery chemicals in chips work great


The fish symbol you sometimes see on the back if cars means what? How did it come to be?

The symbol was adopted by early Christians as a secret symbol. When a Christian met a stranger in the road, the Christian sometimes drew one arc of the simple fish outline in the dirt. If the stranger drew the other arc, both believers knew they were in company of fellow Christians.  It is now known colloquially as the "sign of the fish" or the "Jesus fish"