Who was the person that was swallowed by a whale?
Who is the Patron Saint of Oakley's Church
Saint Joseph
Who was the first person to pray the "Our Father" Prayer?
What sacrament makes you a child of God?
What is the season of the church year when we prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus?
What is the first book of the Bible?
Who is the foster father of Jesus?
Saint Joseph
What action do we do as we begin any prayer?
The sign of the cross
What is it called when you tell a priest your sins?
How many days are in the season of Lent?
40 days
How many of each animal did Noah put on the Ark?
2 by 2
Who is the Patron Saint of Ireland. I often hold a shamrock
St. Patrick
What prayer do we pray to ask Mary for help?
Hail Mary
Catholics bless themselves with what when they walk into the church?
Holy Water
What color is used during ordinary time?
Who defeated Goliath with a rock and a sling?
Who is the Patron Saint of love and young marriages? He is often shown with a symbol of a heart
St. Valentine
What is a nine day prayer for a special intention?
What is the sacrament called when a man becomes a priest?
Holy Orders
What happens on Easter?
Jesus is raised from the dead
What are the names of the four books of the bible that describe the life of Jesus?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Who is the saint that saved 3 girls from being sold by throwing a bag of money through a window?
St. Nicholas
What prayer do we pray to our guardian angel?
Angel of God
What is the sacrament sick people can receive?
Anointing of the sick
What is the day when the Angel Gabriel told Mary that she would be the mother of God?
The Annunciation