5E Model of Instruction
Engaging Students
Effective Science Teacher

What does the 5E Model stand for?

What is Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate 


What does NGSS stand for?

What is Next Generation Science Standards 


True or False: Offering students choices to show what they know can be beneficial in students engagement

What is true 


Why do teachers need to assess their studnets?

What is to see where students are at and what they know


What is one way a teacher can improve their teaching skills?

What is find a mentor, dont reinvent the test tube, and follow trends in science education. Answers will vary 

What is the main goal of the engage phase?

What is to spark students curiosity and connect to prior knowledge 


How many dimensions are there in NGSS?

What is three?


Give an example of a strategy to spark students interest of new material

What is asking open-ended questions, watching interactive video, or relating content to real-world


Name one example of a summative assessment

What is unit test or final project


True or False: teachers should always reinvent the test tube and try to find new resources

What is false 


Which phase of the 5E model is vocabulary introduced?

What is explanation phase


Name the three dimensions of NGSS

What is Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas 


If you are teaching a unit on ecosystems to 3rd graders, how do you keep students engaged while connecting to their personal experiences?

What is going outside and seeing the ecosystem they live in while observing its characteristics. Students can reflect on the nature around them. Answers will vary. 


An exit ticket is an example of what type of assessment?

What is formative assessment


Why should teachers get to know students on a personal level?

What is to make connections to students lives that make learning more meaningful


What happens in the explore phase?

What is hands on activities to investigate a problem and develop ideas


In the NGSS standard "3-PS2-4" what does the "3" represent

What is grade level


What is one goal of using hands-on activities

What is to allow students to make their own connections through experience and experiments


True or False: summative assessment happens BEFORE instruction is complete 

What is false


How can teachers make their classroom inviting to students to learn science?

What is creating a dynamic and engaging environment


How can teachers evaluate students other than a test/quiz?

What is through class discussion, projects, and concept maps


Name 3 science and engineering practices

What is asking questions and defining problems, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations and designing solutions, engaging in argument from evidence, or obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information 


What is the purpose of a scientific journal?

What is a space where students can keep their findings, observations, and questions about content. It is a space where students can easily access and refer back to. 


What is the purpose of a rubric?

What is explain expectations and gives specific feedback to students on work

Why is it important for students to devleop scientific literacy? 

What is it helps students make decisions about the world around them