What does =Today() returns?
Today's date
How do you retrieve a value based on multiple criteria?
SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, or INDEX and MATCH with array formulas
What is Tial's zodiac sign?
What is the name of the annual bicycle race held at IUB?
Little 500
What is the chemical element with the atomic number 74?
Tungsten (W)
What does =Sum(...) returns?
The sum of numbers in a column or row
How do you create a chart that shows trends over time with both columns and lines?
Combo Chart
What is Tial's major?
Marketing and Digital Tech Management
What is the traditional name of the area where students gather and events are held?
Dunn Meadow
Which country is the smallest in terms of land area?
Vatican City
Which function combines text from multiple cells into one cell?
Which function returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE?
What is Tial's dream car?
What is the name of the natural feature located near the Lilly Library on campus?
Jordan River
What does the acronym "ISP" stand for in internet terminology?
Internet Service Provider
Which function looks up a value in a table and returns a value in the same row?
How do you group data by months, quarters, or years in a PivotTable?
Right-click on date field > Group
What is one of Tial's pet peeves?
Slow walkers
What is the name of the historic building on campus that houses the office of the IU Foundation?
Indiana Memorial Union
What is the only continent that lies in all four hemispheres?
Write the =Datedif function to determine how many weeks by the outline I used in the notes I sent to you guys.
=Datedif(earlier date,latest date,"d")/7
How do you create a PivotTable from a range of data or table?
Select data > Insert tab > PivotTable
What is Tial's dream?
For this class to pass K160
What is the title of the oldest and largest student-run philanthropic organization at IUB?
IU Dance Marathon
Which city serves as the capital of Turkmenistan?